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Volume 8 Number 1 Year 2023

10 articles in this issue 


The reaction of insect bites to humans is often neglected as it is considered not to have life threatening effects. In recent years, the disease transmission caused by the insects has become an eye opener for researchers to study in detail the reactions c... see more

Pags. 1 - 11  


Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and chronic stable angina (CSA) have different pathophysiological features and prognoses. Hence, a biomarker that can discriminate between ACS and CSA is crucial. Soluble receptor for advanced glycation end product (sRAGE) in... see more

Pags. 12 - 18  


Medical laboratory (ML) is the backbone and one of the main components of hospital services. ML provides analytical test results and pathology reports to assist clinicians to treat patients with reliable diagnostic data and evidence for appropriate interv... see more

Pags. 19 - 30  


Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a clinically heterogeneous haematological cancer with increased incidence in the elderly. Genetic mutations remain important prognostic factors for treatment outcome. Our study determined the prevalence and clinical signif... see more

Pags. 31 - 44  


Colonic fistula is a known complication of diverticulitis with communication mainly to the bladder, small bowel and uterus. Colo-ovarian fistulas, on the other hand, is a rare complication of colonic diverticulitis with only a few reported cases. Colo-ova... see more

Pags. 45 - 47  


A subtype of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) with aggressive behaviour is called aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity (APROP), which occurs in very preterm infants. We report a case of APROP in a borderline moderate preterm baby... see more

Pags. 48 - 53  


Choroidal tuberculoma is a rare form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis that raises a clinical challenge especially when occurring without other manifestations of the disease. This study reports the case of a 37-year-old community nurse who had history of exp... see more

Pags. 54 - 58  


Castleman disease (giant or angio follicular lymph node hyperplasia) is an uncommon lymphoproliferative disorder which is localised to single lymph node (unicentric) or multiple lymph node level systemically (multicentric). It is a very rare disorder char... see more

Pags. 59 - 62  


Infection of the central nervous system in a syphilis patient is known as neurosyphilis. Dire consequences can lead to both ocular morbidity and mortality. Due to the lack of specific symptoms associated with this disease, neurosyphilis poses a chall... see more

Pags. 63 - 66  


Malaria remains a major vector borne disease causing both mortalities and morbidities in the world. Uganda, a moderate intensity malaria transmission country has currently scaled out major campaigns to reduce and eliminate the disease using different inte... see more

Pags. 67 - 80