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ISSN: 0520-4100    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 26 Number 1 Year 2011

15 articles in this issue 

Lorenzo Casini,Phyllis McKay Illari,Federica Russo,Jon Williamson

The Recursive Bayesian Net (RBN) formalism was originally developed for modelling nested causal relationships. In this paper we argue that the formalism can also be applied to modelling the hierarchical structure of mechanisms. The resulting network conta... see more

Pags. 5 - 33  

M. J. García-Encinas

Is singular causation best understood within a dispositionalist framework? Although a positive answer has not yet been wholly developed, different philosophers have made some positive contributions suggesting that it is. Against these suggestions, I claim... see more

Pags. 35 - 50  

Mario Bacelar Valente

Quantum electrodynamics presents intrinsic limitations in the description of physical processes that make it impossible to recover from it the type of description we have in classical electrodynamics. Hence one cannot consider classical electrodynamics as... see more

Pags. 51 - 68  

Vivette García Deister

Abir-Am ha criticado la visión estándar de que la Fundación Rockefeller (FR) jugó un papel central en el surgimiento de la biología molecular durante la década de 1960. En su opinión, la FR aceleró la molecularización de las ciencias de la vida, pero no i... see more

Pags. 69 - 80