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ISSN: 1410-8089    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 12 Number 3 Year 2008

15 articles in this issue 

Yustina Ade

Capital credit was credit given by private/government public bank to solve theproblem of liquidation on companies. In a small company, inhibiting liquidation andinformation which was asymmetric influenced manpower recruitment, especially in managerlevel a... see more


Januar Eko Prasetio,Ario Dananjaya

This research aimed at finding out the differences on Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR),Return on Asset (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Operation Expenses to Revenues OperationRatio Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), and stock price between Government Banking, Nation... see more


Kartini Kartini,Gatot Hermawan

This research purposes were to prove the hypothesis consisted of: (1) EVA which hada positive correlation to the stock return, (2) MVA which had a positive correlation to the stockreturn. This research used regression analysis to find how much the contrib... see more

Pags. 355 - 368  

Hasa Nurrohim KP,Sri Dwi Ari Ambarwati

This research was based upon Riahi-Belkaoui & Picur (2001) and Richard G Baker(1999) result which supposed there was relation between IOS with dividend and retained earningpolicy. Purpose of this research was to know empirically impact of valuation model ... see more

Pags. 369 - 383  

Yuli Soesetio

This research was conducted to know several factors that affected Debt policy andto know the significance level and the correlation between dependent and independent variable.Analysis instrument used was parametric statistic. Based on the result of statis... see more

Pags. 384 - 398  

Soleman H. Abdul Kahar

The aim of this investigation was to provide evidence that managerial ownershipeffected to financing and dividend policy. The result showed there was positive significancebetween managerial ownership and financing policy. Manager could monitor the bestinv... see more

Pags. 399 - 410  

Rusman Soleman

The objective of this research was to identify the effect of firm characteristics (firmsize, and asset growth, and profitability) simultaneously and individually on leverage rate atpublic firm of manufacturer sector listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI... see more

Pags. 411 - 420  

Muhamad Syafii

This study was constitute replicated study from Triyono and Jogiyanto (2000) aboutthe association of information content of total cash flows, components of cash flows, andaccounting income with stock prices or stock returns. This study took samples fromma... see more

Pags. 421 - 432  

Suripto Suripto

This research was to explain and analyze the different variable of Inflation Rate,Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, Ratio Plant Asset, Size Measure Company, Profitability, Growth ,LD / E, TD / TA, Stock of Return, Book To Market between company having Economi... see more

Pags. 433 - 446  

Sutawi Sutawi

The agribusiness sector faces many problems, mainly lack of capital. High risk anduncertainty characteristics of agribusiness cause financial institution willingness to financeagribusiness very low. By these characteristics, sharia financial institutions ... see more

Pags. 447 - 458  

Sari Yuniarti

This research was aimed to know the relative effeciency levels of banks andstratification suitable with the vision of Indonesia Banking Architecture. In the vision, bankcategorized as much as the core capital owned by the bank.Thus, in 2010 there would be... see more

Pags. 459 - 479  

Satia Nur Maharani

Islamic Banking has been established is almost every part in the world. Mudharabahand musyarakah are two contracts which mainly characterize syariah banks. Mudharabah isthe clearest differing characteristic as well as positioning for syariah banks in comp... see more

Pags. 479 - 493  

Lita Dwipasari

This research was aimed to know the compensation effect and working disciplineas the factor that influenced to job performance and satisfaction. Research population wasofficers of Jatim bank of Malang by using Judment sampling method. The respondents were... see more

Pags. 494 - 503  

John Agustinus

The result of the testing of hypothesis one saying that there is influence simultaneouslyvariables of collateral value, Credit Amount, Location, and Account Officers against Variableof Non-Performing Loans, and there is closeness between independent varia... see more

Pags. 504 - 516  

Syaiful Arifin

Co-operation realizing togetherness and member prosperity, more and more becamea solution in replying global challenge and regional newly. Pursuant to analysis result ofresearch which had been conducted to co-operation of woman saving and loan in region o... see more

Pags. 517 - 531