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ISSN: 0373-3505    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 47 Number 2 Year 1992

12 articles in this issue 

Adriano Barlotti, Mario Gionfriddo, Giuseppe Tallini

This issue is dedicated to the meeting "Combinatorics 92".

Pags. 191 - 191  

Rafael Artzy

The classical Benz planes, that is, Möbius, Minkowski, and Laguerre planes, can be coordinatized [cf. 1], respectively, by the field C of complex numbers, the ring of “double numbers” z=x+jy (x,y ? R) where an element j  not in R, with j2=1 is adjoin... see more

Pags. 193 - 196  

Walter Benz

We determine the group of isometries of certain spherical spaces which are embedded in Galois Spaces. Concerning other results of similar type see [2],[3],[4],[5],[6].

Pags. 197 - 204  

Claude Berge

Let q be a positive integer. Many graphs admit a partial coloring with q colors and a clique partition such that each of the cliques is strongly colored, that is: contains the largest possible number of different colors. If a graph G and all its induced s... see more

Pags. 205 - 211  

Lou Caccetta

In graph theory, the term critical is usually used with respect to specified graph parameter P and applies when the graph G under consideration has the property P but alteration of G (such as vertex deletion, edge deletion or edge addition) result in a g... see more

Pags. 213 - 229  

Paul Erdös

At the meeting in Catania in 1989, I gave a talk entitled “On some of my favourite problems in graph theory and block designs”. I stated twenty problems where important new results have been found.

Pags. 231 - 240  

Katherine Heinrich

A path-decomposition of a graph is a partition of its edges into subgraphs each of which is a path or a union of paths (a linear forest). We survey known results when the graph and the linear forest are of prescribed types, and when the decomposition sati... see more

Pags. 241 - 258  

Udo Ott

See directly the article.

Pags. 281 - 294  

Joseph A. Thas

Let C be a code of length k over an alphabet A of size q greather or equal 2. Having chosen m with 2? m ? k we impose the following condition on C: no two words agree in as many as m positions. It then follows that |C|? qm. If |C|=qm, then C is called a M... see more

Pags. 315 - 328