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ISSN: 0718-1620    frecuency : 3   format : Electrónica


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Volume 44 Number 3 Year 2017

12 articles in this issue 

Nathaly Cancino-Padilla,María Angélica Fellenberg,Wendy Franco,Rodrigo A. Ibáñez,Einar Vargas-Bello-Pérez

Because of their unique composition and properties, milk and dairy productsrepresent excellent growth media for many pathogenic microorganisms. Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7 are the most freque... see more

Pags. 215 - 229  

Mahmut Kaplan,Mustafa Arslan,Hasan Kale,Kanber Kara,Kagan Kökten

Bu çalisma, GT Biplot analizi kullanilarak kalici yesil sorgum genotiplerinin olasi silajini arastirmak için yürütülmüstür . Tahil hasatini takiben, 41 sorgum genotipi silaj yapmak için dogranmistir. Biyokimyasal analizler, 60 gün silajdan sonra gerçekle... see more

Pags. 230 - 238  

María Eugenia Martínez,Aldo Benavente,Rodrigo Morales

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the type of diet (grazing vs. silage with concentrate) and changes in diet on n-alkane concentrations in cattle feces. The assay lasted 35 days (15 days of adaptation and 20 of taking samples). Thi... see more

Pags. 239 - 251  

Raquel Bridi,Gabriel Nuñez-Quijada,Patricia Aguilar,Patricia Martínez,Eduardo Lissi,Ady Giordano,Gloria Montenegro

The differences between entire quillay honeys and their separated phenolic extracts in terms of phenolic content, flavonoid content and scavenging activity assessed through an Oxygen Radicals Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) assay were determined. The separated... see more

Pags. 252 - 261  

Pamela Andrea González,María C. Zuñiga,Claudio A. Olea-Azar,Cristina Loyola,Christian G. Folch-Cano

P. González-Fuentes, M. Zuñiga, C. Olea-Azar, M. Loyola and C. Folch-Cano. 2017. Effect of the Olive Pruning Wood Extract on Lipid Oxidation in Sunflower Oil. Cien. Inv. Agr. The production of high quality natural antioxidants from olive pruning wood extr... see more

Pags. 262 - 271  

Jaime Ahumada,Claudia Fuentealba,José Antonio Olaeta,Pedro Undurraga,Romina Pedreschi,Kalidas Shetty,Rosana Chirinos,David Campos,Lena Gálvez-Ranilla

Loquat cultivar Golden Nugget (leaves, flowers and fruits) with potential commercial importance in Chile was analyzed for targeted bioactive composition (total phenolic contents: TPC, phenolic profiles and triterpenic acids) and in vitro bioactivity such ... see more

Pags. 272 - 284  

Suzel del Carmen Ríos-Ramírez,José Raymundo Enríquez-del Valle,Gerardo Rodríguez Ortiz,Judith Ruíz-Luna

Today, a micropropagation method for Agave angustifolia exists, but for the multiplication of propagules, more information is needed on the diverse components of the culture medium, cytokinins and auxins and their effect on organogenetic response. The obj... see more

Pags. 285 - 294  

Marcela Esterio Grez,Charleen Copier,Andrea Román,María José Araneda,Mauricio Rubilar,Isabel Pérez,Jaime Auger

During the 2013 and 2014 growth seasons, 526 single spore isolates of Botrytis cinerea were collected from naturally infected ‘Thompson Seedless’ table grape flowers from fifteen orchards in three regions of the Central Valley of Chile. The isolates were ... see more

Pags. 295 - 306  

Germán Sepúlveda,Mabel Arismendi,Wilson Huanca-Mamani,Steffany Cárdenas-Ninasivincha,Ricardo Salvatierra,Bernardo Latorre

En hojas de Phoenix canarienis en Hanga Roa, Isla de Pascua, Chile, se encontró abundantes basidiomas pulvinados, negros, amfígenos negros sobre las pinnas y en el raquis de las hojas, causando daño foliar extensivo. Después de tres días en cámara húmeda ... see more

Pags. 307 - 311  

Ricardo Hernandez Perez,Dagoberto Guillen Sanchez,Marlene Pérez López,Enrique Casanova Casio

Few results related to the control of plant viruses have been reported successfully, and less research has been carried out under field conditions for the pathogens. The Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is a very challenging virus to combat and prevents achie... see more

Pags. 312 - 319