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ISSN: 1693-9697    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 9 Number 1 Year 2002

10 articles in this issue 

Sri Angky Soekanto

The sensation of pain is the means by which the body is made urgently aware of the presence of tissue damage. Pain represents a protective reflex for self-preservation. It is often pain that brings the patient to the dental office but also can be the fact... see more

Pags. 1 - 2  

Gatot Sutrisno

Endodontik merupakan cabang dalam ilmu Kedokteran Gigi yang banyak menangani kasus penyakit pulpa dan peri-apek yang merupakan kelanjutan dari penyakit pulpa itu sendiri. Seperti pada umumnya kasus-kasus kepenyakitan yang lain penderita datang pada keadaa... see more

Pags. 3 - 4  

Heriandi Sutadi

Karies rampan merupakan masalah yang sering ditemukan pada anak usia balita. Adanya karies rampan dapat menyebabkan berbagai masalah, terutama yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan umum anak yang sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan. Pada anak dengan karies rampan s... see more

Pags. 5 - 8  

Heru Suryonegoro

Garre’s Osteomyelitis is a type of Osteomyelitis which occur frequently in clinic. This disease can occur at any age, but most happen in and young adult, and frequently in mandible. Usually patient complaint about pains/hurt and jaw getting bigger and har... see more

Pags. 9 - 13  

Dewi Nurul

Periodontal diseases are frequently suffered in patient of all ages. This condition consist of several signs and symptoms, etiology, pathogenesis, and response to treatment which seems almost similar. The classification of those diseases have been adjuste... see more

Pags. 14 - 16  

Amri Amir

Forensic odontology (FO) has played an important role in the process of identification of unknown victims. This has help doctor dentist and forensic expert to a great extents. The process of identification of 2 plane crash victims of Garuda DC 10 in 1987 ... see more

Pags. 17 - 19  

Metawati Tarmidi,Siti Aliyah Pradono

Saliva is essential for preservation of oral health. It aids in preparation of the initial food bolus, assist in taste and swallowing, and lubricates the oral mucosa. In addition it has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Consequently, sa... see more

Pags. 20 - 24  

Nurtami Soedarsono,Elza Ibrahim Auerkari

Different mechanisms by antibiotics selectively kill or inhibit growth and proliferation of pathogen bacteria. Some antibiotics work by interfering the process of protein synthesis in bacterial ribosome, the machinery that builds proteins amino acid by am... see more

Pags. 25 - 28  

Hj. Edeh Rolette Haroen

The aim of the research were to describe how salivary flow rate and pH vary with time during use of chewing and gustatory stimulation. Fifty young adult subjects collected unstimulated saliva by spitting method, and then collected stimulated saliva by che... see more

Pags. 29 - 34  

Ade Latifa

This is the time for adolescence reproductive health to receive serious attention from various parties, such as the government, educators, religious leaders and the youth themselves. Studies from some parts of Indonesia indicated that the incidence of tee... see more

Pags. 35 - 40