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ISSN:    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Number n5 Year 1999

5 articles in this issue 

Francisco Rüdiger

Georg Simmel, embora pouco conhecido entre nós, conta-se entre os primeiros críticos ocidentais a pensar o futuro da cultura na era da técnica. Destoando dos juízos correntes em seu tempo (1900), o pensador não viu nesse processo um estágio superior da ma... see more

Pags. 1 - 12  

Inka Moring

The autor advances a critical concept about cultural identity, through his own national perspective. The work puts forward a construction of collective memories of the nation and the people, from inside the author's national landscape. The paper explores ... see more

Pags. 13 - 33  

André Jansson

The aim of the essay is twofold: First, through a literary exposé, André Jansson tries to come to terms with the meaning of cultural identity. How shall the concept be theoretically defined? And how shall it be distinguished from the general concept of id... see more

Pags. 34 - 65  

Guilermo Orozco

This paper is an application of the "Multiple Mediation" Model, as it has been developing by the author during the last 10 years. The model is used as a way to substantiate a reconceptualization of different aspects of the television reception process. As... see more

Pags. 66 - 81