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Volume 27 Number 2 Year 1934

15 articles in this issue 

Ucapan Terima Kasih TIN

Dewan Editor menyampaikan terima kasih Kepada Bapak/Ibu/Sdr, atas kesediannya untuk menelaah nkah yang dimuat pada edisi ini. Agung Primanto Murdanoto, PT. Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia, JakartaAni Suryani, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Perta... see more


Kata Pengantar TIN

PRAKATA Pembaca yang budiman,Puji syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT,  atas berkat dan rahmatNya kami dapat kembali hadir untuk menyajikan artikel-artikel terkini pada Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Volume 27 Nomor 2 Edisi Agustus, T... see more


Daftar Isi TIN

Volume 27, Nomor 2, 114-234                                      ... see more


Wahyu Kanti Dwi Cahyani, Marimin, dan Sukardi

In the agricultural activity especially sugarcane industries, there was untrust issue between farmers and sugarcane industry on yield measurement that impacting onfarmers’ performance and income. The objective of this study was to formulate gainsharing pr... see more


Lely Rachma Septiana, Machfud, dan Indah Yuliasih

Shallots supply chain  faces many problems and challenges, so need efforts to improve the performance. This study was conducted to: 1) analyze conditions of the shallots supply chain using the framework discussion of FSCN (Food Supply Chain Network),... see more


Abadi Jading, Nursigit Bintoro, Lilik Sutiarso, Joko Nugroho Wahyu Karyadi

Recirculation drying process ofmaterial on pneumatic conveying recirculated dryer (PCRD) are very complexand not linear, so it is very difficult to predict the final required moisture content.The purpose of this study was to develop a model of Artificial ... see more


Dian Novitasari, Aji Hermawan, dan Titi Candra Sunarti

The “analog rice” (artificial rice) is a new product that has difficulties to enter the Indonesian market. The aim of this research was to analyze the development of the analog rice to enter the market. The steps were divided into three stages, i.e. to an... see more


Ika Amalia Kartika, Desita Dwi Kurnia Sari,Auradelia Febrian Pahan, Ono Suparno,Danu Ariono

Calophyllum seeds are potential to be used as raw material for vegetable oil production due to their high oil content (75.1% db). In addition, Calophyllum seeds contain resin consistingbeneficial phenolic compounds for health. In this study, Calophyllum s... see more


Legis Tsaniyah, Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo, dan Sapta Raharja

The feed industry shall maintain quality and food safety of their products. The research conducted in the year of 2015-2016 was to design the optimum condition of food safety consideration for feed industries in Indonesia.  Feed for livestock was for... see more


Bambang Suhardi, Pringgo Widyo Laksono, dan Nabila Nur Fadhilah

Cleaner production is a strategy to reduce environmental pollution and also reducing resources consumption. The aim of this research was to choose alternative solutions for the implementation of cleaner production in printed batik in Batik Puspa Kencana S... see more


Riri Mardaweni, Dwi Setyaningsih, dan Meika Syahbana Rusli

Mono-diacylglycerol (M-DAG) is one of potential palm oil derived products to be developed. Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) and glycerol esterification using Methyl Ester Sulfonic Acid (MESA) catalyst produced M-DAG that consist of Free Fatty Acid (FFA) ... see more


Niken Ayu Permatasari, Indah Yuliasih, dan Ani Suryani

Shallot is a commodity that is widely used as a spice. The unstable supply and price of shallot causes it requires some further processing. The alternative of shallot processing is shallot paste. The aims of this study wereto develop shallot paste formula... see more


Ernita Dian Puspasari, Ma’mun Sarma, dan Mukhamad Najib

Growing population make public consumtion in term of foods becoming more complex, resulting in the opportunities to produce new product. One of them is producing new product from vegetables, which is now widely grown variety of organic vegetables. This is... see more


Lutfansyah Muchtar, Nisa Rachmania Mubarik, dan Antonius Suwanto

Nata de coco is known as a gelatinous substance, white to creamy-yellow, firm, glossy and not sticky, produced by some bacteria, which forms on the surface of coconut water medium during fermentation. Acetobacter xylinum (current name: Gluconacetobacter x... see more


Andes Ismayana, Akhiruddin Maddu, Illah Saillah, Ersyad Mafquh, Nastiti Siswi Indrasti

Boiler ash from sugar industry contains silica compounds which could be synthesized into nanosilica by ultrasonication method. The addition of surfactants in this synthesis method can affect the characteristics of nanosilica. This study aims to synthesize... see more