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Volume 28 Number 2 Year 2018

14 articles in this issue 

Kata Pengantar TIP

PRAKATA Pembaca yang budiman,Puji syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT,  atas berkat dan rahmatNya kamidapat kembali hadir untuk menyajikan artikel-artikel terkini pada Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Volume 28 Nomor 2 Edisi Agustus, Ta... see more


Daftar Isi TIP

 Volume 28, Nomor 2, 127-251                                     ... see more


Ika Amalia Kartika dan Dara Fegy Pratiwi

The fiber content of bamboo is very high (59.8%), thus it is potential to be the raw material for particle board manufacture. In this study, resin of damar was used as adhesive to substitute the synthetic adhesive such as urea and phenol formaldehide. The... see more


Zulfatun Najah, Aji Hermawan Sapta Raharja, Elisa Anggraeni

Innovation ecosystem mapping is a method to identify positions and roles of stakeholders. This research was an initial stage of research of building innovation ecosystem in higher education institution. Mapping of stakeholder’s roles was conducted by clas... see more


Khaswar Syamsu dan Kartika Elsahida

Cheese generally has limitations to be consumed by people with milk protein allergies and vegetarian. Besides the price is relatively expensive, the fat content of cheese is also high. Proteins in soybean may be an alternative to protein of milk in cheese... see more


Nindya Malvins Trimadya, Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo, dan Elisa Anggraeni

Intentional contamination threats to food supply chain has increased. Risk management can be used to handle such threats. Risk management methods such as International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 22000, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Poin... see more


Made Gayatri Anggarkasih, Nancy Dewi Yuliana, Yane Regiyana, Muhammad Yusram Massijaya, Slamet Budijanto

Ptalat adalah senyawa yang ditemukan dalam zat aditif yang sering ditambahkan ke dalam bahan kemasan berbasis kertas daur ulang. Zat yang berpotensi berbahaya yang ada dalam kertas daur ulang terkandung dalam residu tinta cetak, pernis, perekat dan zat la... see more


Rafika Ratik Srimurni, Emmy Darmawati, dan Indah Yuliasih

The bunches snake fruit has an unique form that become a typical appeal for the customerand also improve the marketing that rarely available, because of the limited form of packaging. It needs to be supported by primary and secondary packaging. The aim of... see more


Tjedahwati, Rizal Syarief, dan Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo

CV Diana Phon Bogor is a small business in trading sector by selling various kinds of agricultural productssuch as pesticides, fertilizers, plant seeds, pots, and agricultural tools. Sales of CV Diana Phon Bogor in the last three years (2014-2016) have be... see more


Gusti Randy Pratama, Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo, Ade Iskandar, Tjahja Muhandri

Sago industries in Kepulauan Meranti holds an important position in driving the local economy. Around 80,000-90,000 tons of sago starch are produced annually by sago mills generally located in rural areas. Almost all of the sago starch production from the... see more


Dewi Fortuna Ayu, Bambang Sisto Nadi, dan Akhyar Ali

Jeringau (Acoruscalamus L.) rhizomes essential oil has an antibacterial activity so that it can be used as additives in transparent soap.The purpose of this research was to study the effect of jeringau rhizome essential oil as an antibacterial of Staphylo... see more


Yosra Adi Putra, Indah Yuliasih, dan Sugiarto

Silica dioxide is one of anticacking agent as food additive. It can be encountered in nature, especially from rice husk ash waste. The objective of this study was to obtain rice husk-based silica and find out its characteristics, then apply it in seasoned... see more


Abidin, Sukardi, Djumali Mangunwidjaja, Muhammad Romli

Pangandaran district is a district that has the third largest coconut tree plantation area in West Java, and coconut is made as one of the potential regional prime commodities. This research objective was to discover four aspects on coconut agroindustry, ... see more


Damsir dan Ansyori

The issue of municipal waste is a serious problem that threatens environmental sustainability. One of the efforts to overcome this problem is integrated city waste management in the bioreactor. Integrated management leaves a problem, namely the presence o... see more