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ISSN: 0120-0135    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 36 Number 1 Year 2019

9 articles in this issue 

Maria José González Armijos, Luis Viteri Jumbo, Lêda Rita Faroni, Eugenio Eduardo Oliveira, Adolfo Fernando Flores, Fernanda Heleno, Khalid Haddi

The protection of stored products from insect damages, when accomplished, is mostly relying on the application of synthetic insecticides with serious health and environmental issues in addition to risks of selection of resistant insect populations associa... see more

Pags. 5 - 15  

Edmundo Apráez, Arturo Gálvez, Julian Apraez

Dairy farming in the department of Nariño depends mainly on the availability of forage. In this regard, the nutritional quality and production of this resource are affected by climatic conditions. This research aimed to establish the incidence of edaphocl... see more

Pags. 16 - 32  

Danny A. Villegas R., Nora Valbuena, Manuel E. Milla P.

In this paper nonlinear models used to describe growth dynamics of plants based on dry matter production of Brachiaria brizantha CV. Toledo at different cutting ages and under nitrogen fertilization in rainy season were compared, which allowed establishin... see more

Pags. 33 - 45  

Miriam Guapucal Cuasanchir, Ximena Sthefania Benavides C., Kelly Xiomara Sinisterra

The lack of knowledge communities have about species in their mixed homegardens, as well as the little value they give to their uses, led to develop the research that took place in the village of Concepción Alto, a town in the municipality of Pasto, locat... see more

Pags. 46 - 58  

Tania Lambert G., Ramón Santiesteban S., Wilson Geobel Ceiro C., Manuel Enrique Fernández P., Guadalupe de las Mercedes López C., Wilson Cristobal Corrales M.

The agrochemical inadequate use to increase the plants yield, is not an environmentally friendly practice. For this reason, the research objective was to evaluate the effect of efficient-microorganisms and chitosan on growth and yield of Phaseolus vulgari... see more

Pags. 59 - 66  

Alexander Calero H., Elieni Quintero R., Yanery Pérez D., Dilier Olivera V., Kolima Peña C., Iván Castro L., Janet Jiménez H.

The main problems of the production of tomato seedlings in the tropical regions reside mainly by the affectation by climatic factors and the low use of biofertilizers, for which, it is important to look for efficient alternatives of biofertilizers managem... see more

Pags. 67 - 78  

Carlos Aristeu Mergen Junior, Arcângelo Loss, Elano Dos Santos Junior, Lucas Dupont Giumbelli, Daniela De Pinho De Pinho, Lucinéia De Abreu, Cledimar Rogério Lourenzi, Jucinei José Comin, Gustavo Brunetto

Aplicações sucessivas de dejetos suínos podem promover mudanças nos atributos físicos do solo, com ênfase nas vias de formação dos agregados solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi separar e quantificar os agregados conforme sua via de formação e avaliar a es... see more

Pags. 79 - 92  

Sneider Alejandro Gil P., Albeiro Espinosa B.

The Panela production is an important item of the Colombian economy. This agricultural industry has a low technification and uses mechanically inefficient machines that cause high- energy consumption. This work aims to check the power consumption of a ham... see more

Pags. 93 - 108  

Jorge Vélez-Lozano, Hernán Burbano-Orjuela, Jorge Fernando Navia E., Eyder Daniel Gómez L.

The agroindustry of the Panela generates a high pollutant load which is represented by liquids, gases and solids. Among the most polluting solid wastes, the sugarcane bagasse is the one that generates the most environmental impact because it is poured dir... see more

Pags. 109 - 119