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Volume 6 Number 1 Year 2014

7 articles in this issue 

Herisajani herisajani, Nasrul nasrul, Yandrika Putra

At this present time increasing electrical energy requirements, and therefore found the latest energy is solar energy. Solar energy can be harnessed as a potential alternative energy source because the energy is very large as well as environmentally frien... see more

Pags. 1 - 15  

Junaidi Asrul, Firmansyah firmansyah

Dengan melakukan reconnecting dapat mengatasi rugi-rugi energi. Pada titik sambungan percabangan disambungan rumah sampai ke kWh meter digantikan dengan compression Connector. Terminal pada kWh meter sering terjadi loss kontak. Dengan sering terjadinya lo... see more

Pags. 16 - 27  

Hadria Octavia, Yustini yustini, Firdaus firdaus

Satelit LAPAN-TUBSAT yang merupakan satelit mikro pertama yang dibangun LAPAN Indonesia yang bekerja sama dengan Technical University of Berlin (TU-Berlin, Jerman), hingga kini telah dapat menghasilkan gambar video daerah-daerah diwilayah Indonesia sesuai... see more

Pags. 29 - 40  

Rinaldi rinaldi, Efrizon efrizon

This study is a descriptive study of the application towards multimedia that conducted in higher institution, West Sumatera with the objectives of assessing the factors affecting multimedia application in higher institution lecturers. It employed a survey... see more

Pags. 47 - 55  

Afrizal Yuhanef, Ramiati ramiati

Teknologi komunikasi suara sekarang ini telah banyak digunakan diberbagai lapisan  masyarakat. Pada jaringan suara di perkantoran atau pemamfataan Sistem komunikasi berbasis LAN, pesawat telepon terhubung dalam jaringan Privat Automated Branch Exchan... see more

Pags. 56 - 65  

Herizon herizon, Ade Diana

Robot is one technology that is being developed at this time. Robot manipulators are widely used in industry, especially robotic arm that has a certain degree of freedom. The problems that occurred in the robot arm is the accuracy in determining the posit... see more

Pags. 66 - 75