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Number Volume 12 Nomor 2 Tahun 2020 Year 2020

7 articles in this issue 

Fitriadi Fitriadi, Valdi Rizki Yandri, Herisanjani Herisanjani

Two parallel converters DC/AC with isolated control can be applied by a high frequency transformer with a switching pattern. However, the switching pattern and control technique of the converter needs more research so the process of electrical energy dist... see more

Pags. 48 - 52  

Andrizal Andrizal, Yultrisna Yultrisna, Junaldi Junaldi, Tuti Anggraini, Anton Anton

Washing hands is an activity that should be routinely carried out by every individual, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic like today. There are many factors that make someone feel lazy and don't want to wash their hands, one of which is not wanting t... see more

Pags. 53 - 60  

Firdaus firdaus, Rivanol Chadri, Nasrullah Nasrullah

PWM is widely used in the fields of automatic control, power electronics and cellular communications. Previous research designed a PWM generator using the OMAP-L138 chip to produce a simple, high-precision, flexible and portable circuit. Another generator... see more

Pags. 61 - 66  

Andi Abdul malik Ahmad, Zawiyah Saharuna, Muhammad Fajri Raharjo

This study applies data mining in determining recommendations for mustahik. The application is carried out using a classification method with an artificial neural network algorithm where the attributes used are age and type of work of the head of the fami... see more

Pags. 67 - 73  

Edilla Edilla, Hendriko Hendriko, Daud Suherman

The bowl feeder is a tool  feeder  for the process of separating the bowls one by one from the stack arranged vertically and then the bowl will cross the conveyor. Some industries have created screw and pneumatic methods  for feeding plasti... see more

Pags. 74 - 79  

Dwiny Meidelfi, Andre Febrian Kasmar, Fanni Sukma, Anggie Meyfrian Pratama

Control and monitoring of water in a tank is a computer instrumentation needed in industry. This research discusses a water monitoring application in water torn automatically based on android and supported by a microcontroller. One of the developing techn... see more

Pags. 80 - 87  

Muhammad Alifyan Zulkarnain, Muhammad Fajri Raharjo, Meylanie Olivya

The conventional question and answer method has limited time, space and level of understanding from each student so that it becomes an obstacle to the ineffective teaching and learning process. Global pandemic events that have a negative impact on the edu... see more

Pags. 88 - 95