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ISSN: 2541-2426    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 9 Number 1 Year 2009

10 articles in this issue 

- Malarsih,- Wadiyo

This research is aimed to give an image of aesthetic education implementation through art inLanguages and Arts Faculty in Semarang State University. Applied method in this research isqualitative method. Data collection technique are done by observation, i... see more


Ahmad Zaenuri,Wahyu Lestari

Aesthetic is not only presents beauty that give pleasure without any interest of thesense, but also gives an recognition for people in terms of developing social,economic, politic, and culture phenomenon. Aesthetic which gives beauty has essenceof recogni... see more


Bintang Hanggoro Putro

Barongsai is a traditional art of Chinese ethnic in Semarang, which comes from China. That art still existsand develop until nowadays although have lot of pressures both from Orde Lama and Orde Baru. Researchstudies were: (1) origin of Barongsai, (2) form... see more


Eny Kusumastuti

Laesan art is a kind of traditional art, which is a result of aesthetic expression of people with trancephenomenon in side. Here, implicit symbols occur in Laesan art, then it is interpreted by theaudiences and applied in terms of behavior patterns of peo... see more


Wagiman Joseph

The aim of this research are to explain implementation of KTSP in music learning in SMACitischool Semarang consists of planning, implementation of learning, and learning evaluation. Thisresearch uses qualitative-descriptive approach. Techniques of data co... see more


- Hartono

Dance is taught to children early, so children will have basic ability consists of appreciation,perception, knowledge, and understanding. Based on the importance of dance for children,researcher is attracted to study the processes of dance learning in TK ... see more


Haryanto Dwiyantoro

Learning movement /psychomotor skill in art of movement and body health, both complexand simple one, need such good integration of students’ physical and physic function. To getthe maximum result, it needs perseverance, correctness, integrity, concentrati... see more


Usrek Tani Utina

The problems in this research are teachers’ preparation before dancing lesson concerned with(aims, materials, methods) dancing, patterns of using natural potentials in surrounding, andresult of dancing learning with thematic context building on curriculum... see more


Joko Tri Laksono

The research problems are about Nyadran ceremonial processes, functions of Janggrung in thatceremony, and special musics in Janggrung offbeat. Results and discussions: (1) Nyadranceremony can be concluded in ritual ceremony since day, time, place, head, a... see more


Siti Aesijah

The interesting study is about appropriateness among content in textbook art material in SMPas source in KTSP curriculum, with teachers, students, and school condition. This researchuses qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are observation, in... see more