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Volume 9 Number 4 Year 2020

15 articles in this issue 

Dewa Putu Adnyana, I Ketut Sudantra

The regulation of legal protection for customers who have savings funds in village financial institutions (LPD) is unclear. This causes no legal certainty for customers if the LPD experiences financial problems. The existence of LPDs in Bali is regulated ... see more

Pags. 572 - 887  

Fauziyah Fauziyah, I Wayan Parsa

The idea of village head dispute resolution through the Special Judicial Institution began with anxiety over Law 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, Government Regulation number 6 of 2014 concerning Implementation of Village Laws, and Minister of Home Affairs ... see more

Pags. 673 - 683  

Kadek Agus Sudiarawan, Putu Devi Yustisia Utami, Gede Agus Angga Saputra, Alia Yofira Karunian

The COVID-19 pandemic has a very significant impact on the global economy, especially in the business sector, which has suffered significant losses. On this matter it is deemed necessary to carry out research with the objectives first, to determine whethe... see more

Pags. 684 - 700  

I Nyoman Bagiastra

The rule of law as stated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, namely article 1 Section 3 of the 1945 Constitution which states explicitly that the State of the Republic of Indonesia is a rule of law, of course, has juridical consequences tha... see more

Pags. 701 - 711  

Dewa Ayu Fera Nitha, I Ketut Westra

Current technological developments have digital money or cryptocurrency which is currently being used as an investment by the world community. Seeing this, the government has now issued CoFTRA Regulation Number 5 of 2019 concerning Technical Provisions fo... see more

Pags. 712 - 722  

Anak Agung Gede Duwira Hadi Santosa, Luh Ayu Nadira Saraswati

Kerta Masa is a noble value that is passed down across generations and lives in Balinese society. Carrying the spirit of order, tranquility, togetherness, harmony, and prosperity, the concept of Kerta Masa can be applied more broadly as a basis for qualit... see more

Pags. 723 - 738  

Ni Putu Sintha Tjiri Pradnya Dewi, Desak Putu Dewi Kasih

This study aims to analyze the policy underwriting organization arrangements in insurance companies in Indonesia and the absence of a policy guarantor institution at insurance companies in Indonesia. The method used in research related to the regulation o... see more

Pags. 739 - 751  

Guntur Dirga Saputra

Indonesia's natural resources in the form of very wide waters pose a threat to the crime of illegal fishing. The prevention of these crimes is carried out by giving the investigator authority to sink / burn ships with foreign flags directly without a cour... see more

Pags. 752 - 766  

I Gede Agus Kurniawan

This paper aims to examine the relevance of regulating the Intellectual Property Guarantee Institution as credit to banks in Indonesia in the future. The research method in this paper uses normative legal research, with a statutory approach and developing... see more

Pags. 767 - 795  

Kadek Sutrisna Dewi, I Wayan Wiryawan

The development of globalization in era of free market economy has caused many problems to protection of plant varieties. Therefore, it’s deemed necessary to make specific arrangements of supervision in the protection of plant varieties in Indonesia. The ... see more

Pags. 796 - 810  

Anak Agung Ayu Diah Oktarini, Anak Agung Gede Agung Dharma Kusuma

Covernote issued by the Notary for the acceleration of credit disbursement. The problem is the legal position of the covernote issued by the Notary in the disbursement process carried out by the Bank and how the credit disbursement process by the Bank is ... see more

Pags. 811 - 820  

Sofwan Rizko Ramadoni, Sukarmi Sukarmi, Hanif Nur Widhiyanti

The existing legal construction of information technology-based loaning services essentially creates high interest rates in the community and leads to non-performing loans. Therefore, in essence, it is necessary to formulate a new legal construction to so... see more

Pags. 821 - 837  

Verawaty Verawaty, Irene Svinarky, Zulkifli Zulkifli, Sudianto Sudianto

After out Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1970 tentang Keselamatan Kerja then in it after set inside done supervision to safety work. Many still run other connect with safety work but supervision match with rule out Republic Of Indonesia Minister Of... see more

Pags. 821 - 837  

Rosa Lianda Islami, dahlan dahlan, suhaimi suhaimi

Power of attorney is a statement whereby a person gives authority to another person or legal entity to and on his behalf perform legal acts. The practice of granting power of attorney based on a power of attorney to sell made by a notary is not in accorda... see more

Pags. 838 - 858  

Muhammad Rizky, Muzakkir Abubakar, Teuku Muttaqin Mansur

PPAT's authority in making a land sale and purchase deeds must take into account the provisions of Article 22 PP No. 37 of 1998 that: the PPAT deed must be read/enforced to the party in the presence of at least two witnesses before being signed immediatel... see more

Pags. 888 - 905