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Volume 9 Number 1 Year 2020

15 articles in this issue 

Zulkarnain Ridlwan, Ade Arif Firmansyah

An independent judicial power is very important as one of the main characteristics of the rule of law, therefore its position must be maintained in Indonesia. The purpose of this paper confirms that any attempt to intervene in the authority of the Supreme... see more

Pags. 1 - 14  

Gde Made Swardhana

The purpose of this research article is to find out and analyze criminological problems with vagrants and begging. The problem of vagrants and beggars in Denpasar is very complex, related to legal, social, economic, mental, and cultural aspects of the com... see more

Pags. 15 - 36  

Made Wirya Darma, I Gusti Agung Ayu Mas Triwulandari, I Gede Agus Kurniawan

The agreement is made to undertake a treatment for an illness, which resulted in the conclusion of a therapeutic contract under Laws as regulated under Article 1233 of the Civil Code of Indonesia (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata). Every legal relationsh... see more

Pags. 37 - 44  

Chairul Azmi, Rusydi Ali Muhammad, Rizanizarli Rizanizarli

Indonesia kecuali provinsi Aceh tidak melarang perbuatan homoseksual secara mutlak dan tidak pula melegalkan pernikahan sesama jenis. Di Indonesia, berdasarkan data statistik pada tahun 2016 jumlah kaum homoseksual tercatat mencapai 10-20 juta orang. Univ... see more

Pags. 45 - 63  

Efendik Kurniawan, Ahmad Heru Romadhon, Indri Ayu Kusumawardani, Zakaria Zakaria, Akhmad Rudi Iswono

The focus of this research study aims to reaffirm the contents of article 45 paragraph (5) of the ITE Law related to complain offenses which are considered confusing in providing clear definitions and obscurity of legal certainty which can hinder the law ... see more

Pags. 64 - 73  

Ashari Setya Marwah Adli

Based on Law No.3/2006, the choice of law or optional right to deciding the kind of law to solving the inheritance dispute in the court for Muslims has abolished. It’s force the Muslims to solve their inheritance dispute in Religious Court and using the I... see more

Pags. 74 - 91  

Veronica Novinna

Online loans are an instant method to get loans with technology basis and under control of the Financial Services Authority. Startups organizer have failed to protect consumers personal information thus creates problem in collecting debts."This study aims... see more

Pags. 92 - 110  

Muhammad Yusrizal Adi Syaputra

The political party's position as a determinant of government head nomination in Indonesia made the political party a central and strong role in the determination of the Cabinet in the presidential government of Indonesia and allowed the political party t... see more

Pags. 111 - 131  

Herpin Hadat

The existence of positive law in force in the province of Bali is influenced by the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana. This can occur because of the alignment between the values ??of life contained in Balinese society with various forms of rules that apply in... see more

Pags. 132 - 141  

La Ode Dedihasriadi, Edy Nurcahyo

Pancasila is a volkgeist (the soul of the nation), which is an ideology in the nation and state. Indonesia as a state of law needs law enforcers who have the soul of Pancasila in building integrity and justice in the midst of society. The purpose of writi... see more

Pags. 142 - 152  

Candra Ulfatun Nisa, Hari Sutra Disemadi, Ani Purwanti

Wali is one important element in marriage because marriages are not valid without a wali. Sometimes wali behaves adultery or refuses to become wali for the customary reasons of Ngalor-Ngetan Kejawen. Adat Kejawen Ngalor-Ngetan is abstinence from marriage ... see more

Pags. 153 - 169  

Putu Dinanda Prajna Putri, I Made Sarjana

On the 4.0 dimension like now the needs of the human economy are increasing. With so many economic needs of people now they have to pledge his economic goods. Economic development in an area can be measured by the velocity of money. The development of the... see more

Pags. 170 - 181  

Theodorus Hendrik Willem Lumunon, Liju Zet Viany, Butje Tampi, Caecelia J. J. Waha

The prevailing law of the hospital liability for every damage occured by the health professionals in hospital falls into very broad sense and leaving many critical questions about how this definition to be applied. The question addressed whether the hospi... see more

Pags. 182 - 194  

Mochamad Sukedi

The existence of human rights is a concept that in principle is inherent in the existence and life of humans, human rights actually have a long history in which history can be traced from daily intercourse between humans. The international world knows the... see more

Pags. 195 - 208  

Ni Putu Pranasari Tanjung, Muhammad Wiman Wibisana

Bali Governor Regulation No. 97 of 2018 concerning Limitation of Disposal of Disposable Plastic Waste has an impact that makes the Bali Local Government a dilemma. This is quite reasonable considering that on one hand the Local Government of Bali should p... see more

Pags. 209 - 221