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Volume 9 Number 1 Year 2022

7 articles in this issue 

Joseph Akanbi ADEWUYI,Roseline Adebimpe ADEWUYI

A part le fait d’être la dénonciation acerbe de l’aventure occidentale en Afrique, Ville cruelle, stigmatise le rôle joué par les missionnaires aux cotés de l’autorité administrative qui se sert de la police pour exploiter les indigènes; ainsi que les eff... see more

Pags. 1 - 14  

Joseph Akanbi ADEWUYI,Roseline Adebimpe ADEWUYI

Toutes les œuvres de l’Ivoirien, Ahmadou Kourouma, surprennent le lecteur par son insolite exemplifié par son style narratif particulier mise en œuvre pour faire passer son message sur la situation post-coloniale et les pouvoirs rétrogrades des traditions... see more

Pags. 15 - 30  

Refka Daoud

Knowing how to communicate is a quality that every executive should master. Indeed, the use of this talent is very frequent for those who most assume a minimum of responsibilities. Whether in writing or orally, communication is the basis of any relationsh... see more

Pags. 31 - 41  

Frizka Kamila

The education that prevailed during the Hindu-Buddhist civilization developed according to caste status. Where the highest caste at that time was the Brahmins who were only allowed to study the scriptures, the knights studied government and martial arts, ... see more

Pags. 42 - 52  

Khawla Ouni

Known for their break of the rigid confines of formalism, the mid-twentieth century American poets Anne Sexton and Sylvia Plath eloquently make of their sorrow a reverse discourse and a howl against hegemonic representations and practices exerted by patri... see more

Pags. 53 - 70  

Jamila ZGHAL

Representing the past is writing about facts and happenings that do not exist anymore. For this, its reality representation pertains to a process of reading enriched with multiple versions and controversial approaching. This article aims to explore the la... see more

Pags. 71 - 84