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ISSN: 1111-1157    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Number 10 Year 1988

11 articles in this issue 

María Eugenia Oyarzún

Ms. Oyarzun's contribution underwrites the great impact of the mediaupon values, in this particular case, of values held by young people in a hightech period. Social communicators, as suggested by the author, have thus a tremendous responsibility in the f... see more

Pags. Pág. 103 - 111  

Mario Ciudad

This contributian is concerned with the conceptual problem of the logos.To this effect, Prof. Ciudad considers the relationship made by Husserl between his own image of Minerva and a philosophical system. Husserl's propasitions are complemented with the C... see more

Pags. Pág. 11 - 22  

Jorge Acevedo

This study places Prof. Humberto Giannini's intellectual undertaking in .the area of the "philosophy of existence". lt also synthesizes as well as systematizes the thematic variety found in the publications of this Chilean thinker.A ohecklist of .those wo... see more

Pags. Pág. 23 - 28  

Iván Carrasco

Taking as a starting point the postulate of the universality and permanenceof literature as a human phenomenon, sorne relationship with the mind are es tablished by means of the study of the act of artistic creation, the connectionsbetween mind, text and ... see more

Pags. Pág. 39 - 54  

Fernando Valenzuela

Prof. Valenzuela singles out peculiar traits ol the adolescent's lile, whilestating the interest of philosophy in the ethical component in the behaviourof the young. This study also emphasizes motivations, attitudes, and valuesystems which express the des... see more

Pags. Pág. 55 - 64  

Francisco Lara

Prof. Lara examines the changes in human existence in recent times and their impact on education, showing the effects of these changes in the field of values and , consequently on such actions as derive from them. New strategies for the fom1ation and unde... see more

Pags. Pág. 65 - 76  

Licer Viveros

After commenting on fundamental sociological value functions, the author proceeds to describe different situations where the value plane either associates with social interaction, or becomes its result. In that context, juvenile attitudeswhich originate i... see more

Pags. Pág. 77 - 86  

María Cristina Osorio

Prof. Osorio's studv reminds us of the central position of the family inthe ethical web of society. The great relevance of the socialization process isinclicated, in particular as it affects the young through their perception, searchfor and selection of v... see more

Pags. Pág. 87 - 94  

María Ester Grebe

The main point of this paper is to bring to our attcntion a number ofcontributions to Social Anthropologv relating to value sys tems or to value orientation in voung people. while considering factors such as in -culturization,identity, ancl syvmbology cha... see more

Pags. Pág. 95 - 102