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ISSN: 0719-5370    frecuency : 2   format : Electrónica


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Number 25 Year 1978

5 articles in this issue 

José F. Araya Vergara

In the southern end of Chile and South America (55 to 56 S.) there are forms wich allow to formulate the following by pothesis:In the southern end, the action and movement field of the ice field during the last glaciation must be reconstructed as it follo... see more

Pags. Pág. 21 - 52  

Giovanni Cecioni

Geológicamente esta región se puede dividir en dos fajas dispuestas aproximadamente N-S; la oriental constituida por una serie de formaciones arenosas y arcillosas del Cretacico más alto, hasta la base del Maastrichtiano; geomorfologicamente se trata de u... see more

Pags. Pág. 3 - 20  

Victor G. Quintanilla

Approximately in the 33 degree of southern latitude, the occidental Andes mountains shows an altitudinal vegetation distribution from the 800 to the 3500 meters.The local -ecologycal conditions and the effects of the altitude don't permit observe a clear ... see more

Pags. Pág. 53 - 65  

Orlando Peña Alvarez

The scientific condition of the Geography is analysed, as a function of the treatment of the climatic phenomena. Particularly, reference is made to the aplication of the general scientific method in geography and his importance in the solution of the soci... see more

Pags. Pág. 67 - 75