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ISSN: 0719-5370    frecuency : 2   format : Electrónica


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Number 29 Year 1982

5 articles in this issue 

Gerhard Abele

The Tinguiririca lahar is an example of many similar landforms, which coverlarge surfaces 60th in andine valleys and the Chilean longitudinal depression.I t is smaller than other ones in Chile, but - at the same time - better conserved,offering good condi... see more

Pags. Pág. 21 - 34  

Hilario Hernández Gurruchaga

Present day geography is being a product of a scientific revolution. Theretore, ithas been in an adaptative process during last years. This process includestheoretical quantitative and perceptual aspects (ecological paradigm).The present doy state of Geog... see more

Pags. Pág. 3 - 20  

José F. Araya Vergara

A map - "Chile -shorelines: predominant landforms and processes" - was surveyedin order to analyze the location of shoreline phenomena and their degreeof equilibrium (state). At the same time, the lenght of different groups of shorelinewas measured.This p... see more

Pags. Pág. 35 - 55  

Giovanni Cecioni

Evidences of Karst phenomenon by action of corrosion in Chile, have been recognizedonly in the Coastal Tarapaca Cordillera, in the Upper Paleozoic limestonesof the Patagonian Archipielago and in the limestone of the El Loa Formationas well as in the clay ... see more

Pags. Pág. 57 - 79  

Jean Tricart

The Pantanal trough is located at the border line of the "couverture tabulaire"at Mato Grosso Plateau, under control of faults and Precambrian metamorphic andcrystalline continental crust with Apalachian Eocambrian sedimentary landforms.Modern alluvial fo... see more

Pags. Pág. 81 - 97