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ISSN: 1978-3647    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 5 Number 1 Year 2011

7 articles in this issue 

Jastal JastalInvestigasi Malaria di Desa Baku Bakulu, Kecamatan Palolo, Kabupaten Donggala

Terjadinya peningkatan kasus malaria yang mengarah pada kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) ditimbulkan oleh adanya perubahan lingkungan yang ekstrim akibat bencana alam banjir yang terja di beberapa bulan sebelumnya. Kondisi lingkungan yang berubah yang menyebabka... see more

Pags. 1 - 13  

Anis NurwidayatiReview Artikel Mengenal Lebih "Dalam" Schistosomiasis Peran Genome Schistosoma japonicum dalam Interaksi Inang dan Parasit

In this review is described a draft genomic sequence for the worm. The genome provides a global insight into the moleculer architecture and host interaction of this complex metazoan pathogen, revealing that it can exploit host nutrients, neuroendocrine ho... see more

Pags. 14 - 25  

Hasan BoesriGambaran Malaria di Daerah Lintas Batas Indonesia-Malaysia (Kecamatan Sebatik dan Sebatik Barat, Kabupaten Nunukan, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur)

Community behavior in the endemic area has become one of the important malaria case,despite of the good environmental support. Should there any case for the community to change bad environment into free disease environment would result in such diffic... see more

Pags. 26 - 38  

Lukman HakimHubungan Kepadatan Penghuni Rumah, Keberadaan Larva Nyamuk dan Lingkungan Abiotik dengan Status Penularan Virus Dengue

Transmission of dengue virus is more prevalent in the home, so that the home environmental affects the morbidity of dengue hemorrhagic fever, although still dependent on other factors. This study aims to determine the relationship of the household density... see more

Pags. 39 - 53  

Triwibowo Ambar GarjitoVirus Dengue: Dasar Molekuler, Mekanisme Masuknya ke dalam Sel Target serta Imunopathogenesis yang Ditimbulkannya

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is still one of the major public health problem worldwide, particularly in sub tropical and tropical regions. The disease is caused by the presence of dengue virus infection (DENVa), member of the Flaviviridae family. Dengue virus... see more

Pags. 54 - 63