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ISSN: 1978-3647    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 5 Number 2 Year 2011

7 articles in this issue 

Junus WidjajaBionomik Anopheles di Desa Santu'Un Kecamatan Muara Uya Kabupaten Tabalong Kalimantan Selatan

Diseases transmitted by mosquito such as maluria, dengue hemorrhagic fever and filariasis are still public health problems that cause outbreak and death in Indonesia. Mosquitoes such as Aedes sp, Culex sp, Anopheles sp and Mansonia sp are the main disease... see more

Pags. 1 - 14  

Anis NurwidayatiBionomik Schistosoma japonicum pada Mencit (Mus musculus) di Laboratorium

Schistosomiasis is still a public health problem in endemic areas. Schistosomiasis in Indonesia was distributed in Napu, Lindu, and Bada Highlands. Schistosomiasis control was complex because so many aspect were related with schistosoma life cycle. The ai... see more

Pags. 15 - 21  

Made Agus NurjanaPengetahuan Masyarakat tentang Schistosomiasis di Desa Winowanga, Dataran Tinggi Napu Sulawesi Tengah

Schistosomiasis in Indonesia are only found  in three endemic areas, Napu Highlans, Lindu and Bada in Central Sulawesi. Schistosomiasis is still a health problem in the Napu Highlands with a prevalence 4,78% in 2010. Winowanga village is one of the v... see more

Pags. 22 - 32  

Octaviani OctavianiUpaya Pencegahan DBD di Kelurahan Tatura Utara Kecamatan Palu Selatan Tahun 2011

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever(DHF) is one of the major public  health problems in Palu Municipality, particularly in North tatura Village, South Palu Sub-district, the work area of Mabelopura Health Center whose 64 DHF cases were founded in 2010... see more

Pags. 33 - 40  

Lukman HakimKerentanan Nyamuk Anopheles sundaicus terhadap Insektisida Cypermethrin di Kabupaten Ciamis Provinsi Jawa Barat

At the vector populutions are high and malaria transmission is ongoing. lt is necessary to control the vector that can show quick results with insecticide spraying. To determine the level of malaria vector mosquito susceptibility to insecticides, it has b... see more

Pags. 41 - 49