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Thumb sucking is a common habit developed by children and begins as early as in utero. However, it becomes problematic when a child continues to suck their thumb past the age of 4 years, when their secondary dentition is developing and preparing to erupt.... see more

Espressione genica ed epigenetica: il nesso tra biologia, fisiologia e comportamentoRiassunto: La capacità di parlare è considerata un tratto specificamente umano. I linguaggi sono parte della cultura umana e vngono trasmessi dai genitori alla prole. Ad o... see more

In this study, we will analyze, from philosophical, medical and bioethical points of view, the genetic ways in which the biological foundations of human behavior can be identified, as well as the technologies that can contribute to the modification of cer... see more

Estrategia preventiva para la adicción al alcohol en gemelos: Pinar del Río, 2007 / A strategy for the prevention of alcoholism in twins: Pinar del Rio, 2007Estrategia preventiva para la adicción al alcohol en gemelos: Pinar del Río, 2007 / A strategy for the prevention of alcoholism in twins: Pinar del Rio, 2007Con el objetivo de proponer una estrategia de prevención para la adicción al alcohol  en gemelos, se realizó una investigación epidemiológica, analítica y transversal (estudio en gemelos) en los meses de febrero y marzo del año 2007, en la provincia de Pinar del Río. El universo fue tomado del Registro Nacional de gemelos, estudiándose el comportamiento clínico, epidemiológico y genealógico de la adicción al  alcohol en gemelos. Para la recolección de la información se confeccionó una encuesta y un árbol genealógico para cada familia. Se calculó la concordancia en gemelos, para el par y para el caso índice y la heredabilidad. Los datos se presentaron en cuadros y gráficos. Se concluyó que la mayor cantidad de los pacientes se encontraron en el grupo de mayores de 40 años de edad,  del sexo masculino, en su mayoría dependientes alcohólicos. Los antecedentes familiares de alcoholismo resultaron estadísticamente significativos en el grupo de los familiares de primer grado. La concordancia fue mayor en gemelos monocigóticos que en  dicigóticos y la contribución genética para el alcoholismo de 66%. Se confeccionó una estrategia de prevención del alcoholismo basada en los principios del asesoramiento genético. Palabras clave: alcoholismo, gemelos/genética. ABSTRACT Aimed at proposing a strategy for the prevention of alcoholism in twins an epidemiological, analytical and cross-sectional research was carried out during February - March 2007 in Pinar del Rio province. The universe was taken from the National Records of twins, studying clinical, epidemiological and genealogical behavior of alcohol consumption in twins. To collect the information a survey and a genealogical tree for each family were made. Also calculating twin's concordance for the par, case rate and inheritance; data were presented in tables and graphics; prevailing alcoholic patients older than 40 years old and male sex. Familial history of alcoholism resulted statistically significant in the group of first degree relatives. The concordance was greater in monozygotic than in dizygotic twins and genetic contribution for the alcoholism reached 66%. A strategy based on the principles of genetic advice to prevent alcoholism was created. Key words: Alcoholism, Twins/geneticS.

ABSTRACT Aimed at proposing a strategy for the prevention of alcoholism in twins an epidemiological, analytical and cross-sectional research was carried out during February - March 2007 in Pinar del Rio province. The universe was taken from the National ... see more

Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) is known as phenylthiourea and it is an organic compound that has the phenyl ring. Ability to perceive the tastes of PTC chemical is related to the dominance of taste genes. There are a large number of population studies regardin... see more

Chemical Imaging helps to answer difficult questions, especially when those questions occur in complex environments. For instance, forensic neuroradiology plays an important role in the courtroom to understand a defendant’s personality. But could this bra... see more

History of Science and Technology (HST) courses are increasingly becoming part of core curriculums for undergraduate students due to an increased emphasis on scientific literacy. HST courses should aim to help students gain an understanding of the nature ... see more

The main topic of the article is the political. During the study it has been found tested that political behaviour is the difficult question to analyse as in bio-politics there are a lot of discussions about genetics and social origins of political behavi... see more

Comportamiento de los programas de diagnósticos prenatal en Consolación de Sur enero 2003- febrero 2004. Behavior of programs for antenatal diagnosis in Consolacion del Sur. January 2003-February 2004Comportamiento de los programas de diagnósticos prenatal en Consolación de Sur enero 2003- febrero 2004. Behavior of programs for antenatal diagnosis in Consolacion del Sur. January 2003-February 2004Durante todo estos años, el Programa de Genètica ha costribuido en gran medida a la reducción de las tasas de mortalidad infantil y los indicadores de morbilidad y calidad de vida en la comunidad, los protagonistas principales el médico y la enfermera de la familia juegan un papel de extraordinario valor por lo que se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte logitudinal que abarcó el total de las gestantes desde el 1 de enero de 2003 hasta el 29 de febrero de 2004, en ambos policlínicos del municipio Consolación de Sur. Se utilizaron datos de las consultas de genéticas y se aplicó una encuesta a las gestantes objeto de estudio. Asistieron a consulta de Deteción de Riesgo Genéteico Comunitario las 370 gestantes estudiadas(100%), clasificándose con riesgos genéticos incrementado 109 gestantes(29,5%). Los principales factores de riesgo genéticos identificados fueron el embarazo en la adolescencia, los antecedentes familiares de malformación congénita y enfermedades genéticas y la edad materna avanzada. Se realizaron 18 diagnósticos prenatales citogenéticos resultando todos normales. Mediante el ultrasonido bidimencional se diagnosticaron en el policlínico 1ro de Enero, 3 malformaciones (2 renales y 1cardiovascular). En todos los casos la pareja solicitó interrupción terapéutica del embarazo después del asesoramiento genético y el diagnóstico fue comprobado por Anatomía Patológica. Se comprobó la relación entre los valores bajos Alfafetoproteína y el bajo peso al nacer. Palabras clave: GENÉTICA, MORTALIDAD INFANTIL, PRENATAL, MALFORMACIONES.ABSTRACT During all these years the program of Genetics has greatly contributed towards the reduction of birth mortality rate and the indicators of morbidity and wuality of life in the Community. The main protagonists are the family nurse and doctor who play a very special role. A descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study during January 1st 2003 until February 29th 2004 in both outpatients clinics belonging to Consolación del Sur Municipality was carried from Genetic Consultations were processed and a survey to pregnants of the study group was applied in the consultation of Detection of Genetic Risk Factors in the Community were studied 370 pregnants that represented 100 %, genetic risk factors increased in pregnants 109 (29.5 %). Main genetic risk factors identified were pregnancy in adolescence, family history of congenital malformation, genetic diseases and late maternal age; resulting normal 18 prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis. By means of the bidimensional ultrasound 2 renal and 1 cardiovascular malformations were diagnosed at "Primero de Enero" outpatient clinic. In all cases the couple asked for therapeutic interruption of pregnancy after the genetic advice proving the diagnosis at Pathological Anatomy Department. A relationship between Alpha - fetoprotein low levels and low weight at birth was proved. prospective Key words: GENETICS, CHILD MORTALITY RATE, PRENATAL, MALFORMATIONS.


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