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11  Articles
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Sialolithiasis is a common disease of the submandibular glands or its duct but rare in parotids of patients, especially in male adults. The accessory of salivary glands are small, unsheathed masses with a small canaliculi. The irritant factors might be du... see more

Sialolithiasis is considered one of the most common diseases of the salivary gland, mainly affects submandibular glands. In the current case, a 57-year-old male complaining of a tender solid mass in the right sublingual area was cadidate to undergo surgic... see more

Sialolithiasis is a disease process involving the formation of conglomerates of calcifications in the ductal system or the parenchyma of the salivary gland. The Submandibular gland is more vulnerable to form sialoliths than the other major salivary glands... see more

Sialolithiasis is the most common form of obstructive sialadenitis caused by a mixture of different calcium phosphates and an organic matrix. It is one of the most common salivary gland diseases, often attributed to the submandibular gland, with no relati... see more

In oto-rhino-laryngology, cases of submandibuillar sialolithiasis are common. Submandibular sialoadentis with sialolith may cause severe complications such as deep neck abscess and sepsis. We introduce a rare case of a cervical fistula with abscess caused... see more

One of the most common disorders of the salivary glands is sialolithiasis. A history of pain or/and swelling in the salivary glands, especially during meal suggests this diagnosis. For small and accessible stones conservative therapies like milking of duc... see more

Efectividad de la técnica radiográfica oclusal inferior modificada en el diagnóstico de la sialo.litiasis submandibular Effectiveness of the radiographic modified-inferior-occlusal technique in the diagnosis of submandibular sialolithiasisEfectividad de la técnica radiográfica oclusal inferior modificada en el diagnóstico de la sialo.litiasis submandibular Effectiveness of the radiographic modified-inferior-occlusal technique in the diagnosis of submandibular sialolithiasisSe seleccionaron 24 pacientes del total de casos que acudieron a consulta de cirugía maxilofacial en el Hospital "Abel Santamaría" en el período comprendido entre el 1ro. de septiembre de 1996 al 20 de julio de 1997 con diagnóstico clínico y radiográfico de cálculo en el tercio posterior o en el parénquima de glándula submandibular. A los mismos se les realizó una radiografía oclusal convencional y una modificada para correlacionar la efectividad de una u otra en el diagnóstico de esta patología. Como resultados encontramos, una mayor incidencia de sialolitiasis en el sexo masculino y en el grupo etáreo comprendido entre 30 y 39 años, siendo el tercio posterior del conducto el sitio más afectado, con un 50% Se demostró como un hallazgo estadísticamente significativo la efectividad de la técnica oclusal inferior modificada en relación con la convencional, lo cual patentiza la importancia de generalizar su utilización. DeCs: CALCULO EN EL CONDUCTO SALIVAL, CALCULOS EN LAS GLANDULAS SALIVALES, TRAUMATISMOS MAXILO FACIALES ABSTRACT This study included 24 patients with a clinical and radiographic diagnosis of calculus in the posterior one third or in the parenchyma of submandibular gland at the Maxillofacial Surgery outpatient consultation, Abel Santamaría General Hospital between September 1th, 1996 and July 20th, 1997. A conventional occlusal radiography and a modified one were performed in order to correlate the effectiveness of each in the diagnosis of this pathology. the study reveals a greater incidence of sialothiasis in males and in the age group between 30 and 39 years. The posterior one third of the duct was the most affected one by a 50%. The inferior modified occlusal technique had a statistically significant effectiveness as compared to the conventional one. Hence, the importance of generalizing its Ause. DeCs: SALIVARY DUCT CALCOLI, SALIVARY GLAND CALCOLI, INJURIES

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