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Programa de bioética para la carrera de Medicina en las universidades bolivianas / Bioethics program for the career of Medicine in bolivian universities Programa de bioética para la carrera de Medicina en las universidades bolivianas / Bioethics program for the career of Medicine in bolivian universitiesObjetivo: validar una propuesta de programa para la integración de los contenidos de Bioética para la carrera deMedicina en universidades bolivianas.Métodos: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo con 60 estudiantes y 15 profesores que imparten diferentes asignaturas, se seleccionaron de forma aleatoria simple y se utilizó una tabla de números aleatorios. Se implementó en la Universidad Mayor de San Simon y UDABOL del departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia y se emplearon métodos teóricos, empíricos, estadísticos y criterio de expertos.Resultados: de los 60 estudiantes de muestra, 43 no conocen el término Bioética, no han oído hablar de él o no se ha tratado en clases (71,6%); el 100% de los estudiantes coinciden en la necesidad de incluir la Bioética en el Plan de Estudios porque mediante este conocimiento, sus principios y postulados, se graduarían más preparados. En entrevista realizada a 15 profesores que imparten el ciclo de asignaturas relacionadas con la especialidad de Medicina, solo dos conocen de Bioética, para un 13,3%, los 13 restantes dominan elementos éticos generales de educación, pero alegan desconocer el término Bioética, lo que constituye un 86,7% del total de profesores entrevistados.Conclusiones: con la aplicación de diferentes métodos se pudo constatar el no conocimiento y la necesidad del contenido de Bioética en la carrera de Medicina en las universidades bolivianas. El Programa Bioética para la carrera de Ciencias Naturales, fue validado de muy adecuado, por el criterio de expertos y demuestra su pertinencia y aplicación en la carrera de Medicina.Palabras clave: Bioética; Plan Tematico; Criterio de expertos; Validación; carrera de Medicina.ABSTRACTObjective: to validate a program proposal for the integration of Bioethics contents for the Medicine career in Bolivian universities.Methods: a development research was carried out with 60 students and 15 teachers who taught different subjects, they were selected in a simple random manner and a table of random numbers was used. It wasimplemented in the Universidad Mayor de San Simon and UDABOL in the department of Cochabamba, Bolivia, and theoretical, empirical, statistical methods and expert criteria were used.Results: of the 60 sample students, 43 do not know the term Bioethics, have not heard of it or have not been treated in classes (71,6%); 100% of the students agree on the need to include Bioethics in the Plan ofStudies because through this knowledge, its principles and postulates, they would graduate more prepared.In an interview with 15 teachers who teach the cycle of subjects related to the specialty of Medicine, only two know about Bioethics, for 13,3%, the remaining 13 dominate general ethical elements of education, but claim to ignore the term Bioethics, which constitutes 86,7% of the total number of teachers interviewed.Conclusions: with the application of different methods it was possible to confirm the lack of knowledge and the need of the content of Bioethics in the Medicine career in the Bolivian universities. The BioethicsProgram for the career of Natural Sciences, was validated as very appropriate, by the criteria of experts and demonstrates its relevance and application in the Medicine career.Keywords: Bioethics; Thematic Plan; Expert criteria; Validation; medical career.

Métodos: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo con 60 estudiantes y 15 profesores que imparten diferentes asignaturas, se seleccionaron de forma aleatoria simple y se utilizó una tabla de números aleatorios. Se implementó en la Universidad Mayor de S... see more

La Resolución de problemas mediante el sistema de aplicación Microsoft Access / Problem solving by means of Microsoft Access application systemLa Resolución de problemas mediante el sistema de aplicación Microsoft Access / Problem solving by means of Microsoft Access application systemDentro de los contenidos de Informática I que reciben los estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina 1er año, uno de los  que  más  dificultades ofrece para su  asimilación, es el relacionado con el sistema de Aplicación Microsoft Access, sobre todo lo relacionado con la resolución de problemas con computadora para diseñar tablas y efectuar relaciones entre estas, de ahí, la necesidad deelaborar un sistema de ejercicios por niveles de desempeño cognitivo que contribuya al desarrollo de la habilidad resolución de problemas con computadoras, utilizando el sistema Microsoft Access, contemplando entre otros aspectos: el diseño o trabajo de mesa como premisa básica (Diagrama entidad relación y el Modelo entidad relación). El sistema de ejercicios es elaborado sobre la base de un estudio cuasi experimental que abarca 2 brigadas de 1er año de la facultad de ciencias médicas Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna del municipio de Pinar del Río. Este tiene como fundamento los controles a clase efectuados, las comprobaciones de conocimientos realizadas, las que han evidenciado dificultades en la resolución de problemas al elaborar bases de datos utilizando Microsoft Access. La novedad del sistema está en que contempla ejercicios sobre la perspectiva desarrolladora de los  niveles de desempeño cognitivo. La conclusión esencial a la que se arriba, es que con este sistema el alumno se familiariza más rápido con los conceptos (tabla, atributo, campo, registro, campo clave y otros) antes de ir al sistema informático o sea se logra un mejor camino del pensamiento lógico, de la contemplación viva al pensamiento  abstracto y de este a la práctica como prueba de la verdad.Palabras clave: INFORMÁTICA/educación, EDUCACIÓN MÉDICA.ABSTRACTAmong the contents of the subject of Informatics-1 that medical students in 1st academic year receive, one of the most difficult contents to be assimilated is the one related to Microsoft Access Application, mainly the one connected with problem-solving using the computer to design tables and to carry out relationships among these; that is why it is necessary to elaborate a system of exercises considering the levels of cognitive performance which contribute with the development of skills of problem-solving  with computers, using Microsoft Access System, and taking into account  the following aspects: the design or the table work as a basic premise ( Diagram entity- relation and the Model entity-relation).   The system of exercises is based on a quasi-experimental study covering two groups of medical students in 1st academic year in the Medical University, Pinar del Rio municipality. The bases of this research paper are on lecture controls and knowledge checking, which show difficulties in problem-solving when using the Microsoft Access database. The newness of this system is that it envisages the exercises upon a developing perspective of the levels of cognitive performance. The essential conclusion stated is that, with the creation of this system the student will quickly get familiar with the concepts (tables, attributes, field, register, key field and others), before approaching to an informative system, that is to say, a better way of logic thinking is achieved, from the living contemplation to the abstract thinking and from this to the practice as a prove of truth.Key words: Informatics/education, Medical education.

ABSTRACTAmong the contents of the subject of Informatics-1 that medical students in 1st academic year receive, one of the most difficult contents to be assimilated is the one related to Microsoft Access Application, mainly the one connected with problem-s... see more

O artigo apresenta um estudo exploratório sobre o cenário contempora^neo da produc¸a~o de revistas digitais para distribuic¸a~o por meio de tablets, trac¸ando um panorama sobre as possibilidades e inovac¸o~es proporcionadas pelo meio digital e examinando ... see more

O artigo apresenta um estudo exploratório sobre o cenário contempora^neo da produc¸a~o de revistas digitais para distribuic¸a~o por meio de tablets, trac¸ando um panorama sobre as possibilidades e inovac¸o~es proporcionadas pelo meio digital e examinando ... see more

The aim. The aim of the research was to study the effect of different groups of excipients on the pharmaco-technological propertiesof the powder mass for tabletting in the development of the composition of the tablets with dry extract of Sanguis... see more

The title , author's name, and page numbers of the articles included in volume 18, issue 1 of BIBECHANA is presented in the table of contents. In this issue, articles are divided into two sections: Research Articles and Review Articles. From 2021, BIBECHA... see more

The aim. The aim of the research was to study the effect of different groups of excipients on the pharmaco-technological propertiesof the powder mass for tabletting in the development of the composition of the tablets with dry extract of Sanguisorba offic... see more

Arabian Gulf archeology The Eighth Campaign of the Danish Archeological Expedition 1961/62During the winter of 1961/62 the expedition sent out from the Forhistorisk Museum in Aarhus continued its work on the Arabian littoral of the Arabian Gulf, operating... see more

Stone-Age Houses on Knardrup Gallows HillKnardrup Gallows Hill lies immediately to the north of the village of the same name, and is today cut through by the road which leads to Ganløse. The hill is a big bank of yellow sand, deposited as part of an end-m... see more

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