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In this paper, we propose an appropriate inventory model for a non-instantaneous deteriorating items having Ramp-type demand rate with time dependent deterioration rate. In this model, the shortages are allowed and, which is partially backlogged. The back... see more

The paper studies a periodic review inventory model with no shortages and different demand rates during pre- and post- deterioration periods . Deterioration of units start after a fixed time interval, and the deterioration rate is time dependent. The mode... see more

In today’s global market every body want to buy products of high level quality and to achieve a high level product quality supplier have to invest in improving reliability of production process. In present article we have studies reliable production proce... see more

This study focuses on identical parallel machine scheduling of jobs with deteriorating processing times and rate-modifying activities. We consider non linearly increasing processing times of jobs based on their position assignment. Rate modifying activiti... see more

The long-term increases in average temperature and intensification of droughts which characterise the current state of the Earth’s climate system have a negative impact on forest ecosystems and can lead to a decrease in their area and deterioration of the... see more

La influenza A (H1N1): estado actual del conocimiento / Influenza A (H1N1) virus: current informationLa influenza A (H1N1): estado actual del conocimiento / Influenza A (H1N1) virus: current informationSe revisó la bibliografía actualizada sobre el tema a partir de los principales buscadores, y reuniones internacionales realizadas sobre la pandemia de la influenza A (H1N1). Se tratan los aspectos relacionados con la historia, la aparición de la pandemia, la biología de la enfermedad, la epidemiología, el cuadro clínico, el tratamiento y el pronóstico y la prevención. La gripe A (H1N1) es una pandemia causada por una variante nueva del virus de la Influenza A que ha sufrido cambios antigénicos en la hemaglutinina y la neuraminidasa. Esto hace que la población sea altamente vulnerable a la infección y produce una sobrecarga temporal enorme a los servicios de salud. El virus se trasmite como otros virus Influenza. Su letalidad es similar a la de la influenza estacional, pero puede incrementarse en personas con factores de riesgo y en adultos jóvenes sanos. El asma y el embarazo parecen ser condiciones de base importantes para incrementar la severidad de la infección. Puede existir cierta protección por inmunidad cruzada con cepas que circularon en el pasado. El espectro clínico va desde personas asintomáticas hasta las formas graves que requieren internación en cuidados intensivos, con rápido deterioro hasta llegar a la insuficiencia respiratoria en un plazo de 24 horas. La vacunación durante la pandemia no parece ser suficientemente efectiva. Son necesarios antivirales (oseltamivir y zanamivir), y las medidas preventivas higiénico-sanitarias son muy eficaces.Palabras clave: Gripe humana/prevención & y control, Virus de la Influenza A/inmunología/patogenicidad , EPIDEMIOLOGÍA.ABSTRACTAn updated review using the main search motors and international meetings already celebrated related to Influenza A H1N1 pandemics. Items related to the history, the appearance of the pandemics, the biology of the disease, its epidemiology, clinics, treatment, prognosis and prevention. Grippe A H1N1 is a pandemic caused by a new variant of the Influenza A virus that has suffered antigenic changes in haemaglutinin and neuraminidase. This turns populations more susceptible to this infection and produces a temporary burden on the health services. This virus is transmitted like other influenza viruses. Its lethality is similar to that observed for the seasonal influenza, but may be enhanced in people having risk factors and in healthy young adults. Asthma and pregnancy seem to be basic conditions to increase the severity of the infection. Certain degree of protection may exist, due to cross immunity with ancient strains that circulated in the past times. The clinical spectrum goes from asymptomatic people to the most severe forms requiring intensive care, when a rapid deterioration of the health up to reach a respiratory failure in 24 hours. Vaccination during the epidemics seems to be non effective. Antiviral agents (oseltamivir and zanamivir) are necessary, and the preventive hygiene-sanitary measures are highly effective.Key words: Viral disease, influenza, grippe, pandemics, A (H1N1), clinics, epidemiology, treatment, prevention.

ABSTRACTAn updated review using the main search motors and international meetings already celebrated related to Influenza A H1N1 pandemics. Items related to the history, the appearance of the pandemics, the biology of the disease, its epidemiology, clinic... see more

The Stylite Tower is part of the UNESCO archaeological site of Umm ar-Rasas (Jordan). It represents a unicum in its category and has a fundamental value for the Jordanian Cultural Heritage as a symbol and an emblem of Jordan’s history and culture. The mon... see more

The data on the duration of use of proton pump inhibitors, the nature and duration of stress, and the timing of the first clinical and instrumentally confirmed manifestations of gastric cancer in 10 patients with chronic non-atrophic gastritis who were tr... see more

1 of 8.439 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»