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201.296  Articles
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Objectives : A still small number of Poles declare regular physical activity. International Obesity reports Task Force shows that 30-45 million children in the world aged 5 to 17 suffer from overweight, and under the age of five, 22 million. In total, nea... see more

There has been elaborated the methodology of training coordinating exercises of young schoolchildren with the psychic development delay at lessons of physical culture. It consists of two blocks – psychic and physical ones. The psychic block includes the f... see more

There has been elaborated the methodology of training coordinating exercises of young schoolchildren with the psychic development delay at lessons of physical culture. It consists of two blocks – psychic and physical ones. The psychic block includes the f... see more

There has been elaborated the methodology of training coordinating exercises of young schoolchildren with the psychic development delay at lessons of physical culture. It consists of two blocks – psychic and physical ones. The psychic block includes the f... see more

The objective is to determine the influence of the physical exercises modes on effectiveness of motor skills development in 5th-7th grade girls. Materials and methods. The study involved 5th grade girls (n = 28), 6th grade girls (n = 28) an... see more

Las hojas de trabajo en el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes no hispanohablantes en la Facultad Preparatoria / The sheet of work in the development of non-speaker Spanish students´ communicative capability at pre academical facu Las hojas de trabajo en el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes no hispanohablantes en la Facultad Preparatoria / The sheet of work in the development of non-speaker Spanish students´ communicative capability at pre academical facuObjetivo: diseñar hojas de trabajo con un enfoque interdisciplinario para potenciar la competencia comunicativa en los estudiantes no hispanohablantes desde un enfoque interdisciplinario.Método: la investigación se sustenta en la dialéctica materialista como método general de la ciencia. Además, se emplearon el análisis y síntesis, inducción deducción, modelación, análisis documental, la encuesta, matemático y la investigación-acción-participativa.Resultados: permitió la sistematización de los contenidos de algunas asignaturas, aplicar sus vivencias, comprender mejor los contenidos y desarrollar las habilidades lingüísticas. Las evaluaciones sistemáticas, parciales y finales realizadas demostraron mejores resultados. Se logró que el 100% de los estudiantes participaran en el evento científico estudiantil y obtuvieran primeros lugares, lo que evidenció el grado de competencia comunicativa alcanzado por los estudiantes.Conclusiones: la propuesta es resultado de una experiencia aplicada en un grupo de estudiantes de la República Popular de Angola y otro grupo de Namibia y trata acerca de un conjunto de hojas de trabajo en que proponen ejercicios, actividades y tareas, que obedecen al nivel inicial de aprendizaje del idioma español para potenciar la competencia comunicativa desde un enfoque interdisciplinario en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de este idioma. Las hojas de trabajo constituyen un medio de enseñanza, un material de apoyo a la docencia que facilita a los estudiantes trabajar de forma independiente o cooperativa, utilizar los recursos lingüísticos de forma más segura y precisa, establecer relaciones interdisciplinarias y desarrollar las habilidades de escuchar, hablar, escribir y leer.Palabras clave: hojas de trabajo; interdisciplinariedad y competencia comunicativa.ABSTRACTObjective: to design sheet of work with a multidisciplinary approach to improve the communicative capability in non-speaker Spanish students.Method: the investigation is supported on the materialistic dialectics as a general method of the science. Besides analysis and synthesis, induction deduction, modelation, documental analysis, questionnaire, mathematical and the action participative investigation were used.Results: allowed the systematization of some subjects contents, to apply their experiences, to comprehend rather the contents and to develop the linguistics skills. The systematical, partial and final evaluations made, showed rather results. The 100% of the students participated in the scientific event, obtaining the primaries places, this showed the grade of communicative capability of students.Conclusions: the proposal is a result of the experience applied in a group of students from Popular Republic of Angola and Namibia and is about a group of sheet of work in which exercises are proposed, activities and tasks that answer of the initial level of Spanish language to improve the communicative capability in non-speaker Spanish students since a multidisciplinary approach in the teaching learning process of this language. The sheet of work are a teaching aim and a material to support the academic, that facilitate the students to work by independent and cooperative way, using the linguistic resources surely and precise, establish interdisciplinary relationships and to develop the ability to listen, speak, write and read.Keywords: sheet of work; interdisciplinary; communicative capability.

Método: la investigación se sustenta en la dialéctica materialista como método general de la ciencia. Además, se emplearon el análisis y síntesis, inducción deducción, modelación, análisis documental, la encuesta, matemático y la investigación-acción-part... see more

Purpose: to define influence of special running exercises on pupils with special needs for increase in the level of their mastering running movements.Material: 18 pupils of the Municipal institution "Bohodukhivskyi special teaching and educational complex... see more

Introduction: The article examines the problem of psychomotor development of preschool children with intellectual disabilities. The researched problem affects learning, upbringing, and socialization of children of said category and its resolution requires... see more

The article considers the relationship of physical and cognitive development of children as well as the processes of memory and attention. They determine the readiness of a child for school education. The analysis of existing theories made it possible to ... see more

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