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71  Articles
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Sustainable transportation is an essential part of a sustainable city; however, modern transportation systems with internal-combustion engines emits unacceptably high level of air-pollutants and noise. It is recognized widely that road-traffic noise has n... see more

Environmental noise is known to cause noise annoyance. Since noise annoyance is a subjective indicator, other mediators—such as noise sensitivity—may influence its perception. However, few studies have thus far been conducted on noise annoyance in South K... see more

The aim of this study is to compare vibration exposure to noise exposure from railway traffic in terms of equal annoyance, i.e., to determine when a certain noise level is equally annoying as a corresponding vibration velocity. Based on questionnaire data... see more

Environmental noise from transportation or industrial infrastructure typically has a broad frequency range. Different sources may have disparate acoustical characteristics, which may in turn affect noise annoyance. However, knowledge of the relative contr... see more

Sustainable transportation is an essential part of a sustainable city; however, modern transportation systems with internal-combustion engines emits unacceptably high level of air-pollutants and noise. It is recognized widely that road-traffic noise has n... see more

The paper presents the work on the problem of qualification of impulsive sounds for applying the adequate value of impulsive adjustment. Impulsive events must be included in the assessment of noise in Poland. There are no agreement for using the objective... see more

Restauración estética sin soporte metálico por vía directa como alternativa en el cierre de diastemas generalizados Restauración estética sin soporte metálico por vía directa como alternativa en el cierre de diastemas generalizadosIntroducción: La restauración estética sin substrato metálico en el sector anterior se puede efectuar por método directo. La misma logra alcanzar un aspecto más natural que las restauraciones indirectas y resistir las cargas oclusales de igual modo, lo que posibilita no solo reconstruir dientes sino transformarlos. Esto hace ideal el procedimiento para el cierre de diastemas generalizados, los cuales habitualmente son resueltos a través de atención secundaria de prótesis u ortodoncia, soluciones de alto costo y suponen mayor incomodidad al paciente. Objetivo: Describir el procedimiento de restauración estética sin soporte metálico por vía directa con nanocomposite, como alternativa terapéutica para el cierre de diastemas generalizados. Presentación del caso: Se describe el tratamiento impuesto a un paciente de 53 años con antecedentes de traumatismo dentario con avulsión del 22 y fracturas complicadas de corona en 12, 11 y 21 hace alrededor de 15 años, por lo que recibió tratamientos pulporadiculares radicales. El paciente presentaba cambios de coloración severa, además de la presencia de diastemas generalizados en el sector anterior maxilar, para lo cual se le realizó tratamiento restaurador integral por vía directa y se seleccionó nanocomposite híbrido. Conclusiones: El tratamiento cosmético con nanocomposite sin sustrato metálico es una alternativa terapéutica viable en el cierre del diastema generalizado por vía directa, aun en pacientes con traumatismos severos, en dientes discrómicos con tratamiento pulporadicular radical. Palabras clave: Cierre de diastemas generalizados, cosmética dental, nanocomposite para muñones adhesivos, estética dental, resina compuesta dental. ABSTRACTIntroduction: The aesthetic restoration without metallic substratum in the anterior sector can be performed through direct method. It allows to reach a more natural aspect that the indirect restorations and to resist the occlusal loads in the same way, making possible not only to reconstruct teeth but to transform them, which makes ideal this procedure in the closing of widespread diastema those which are habitually resolved through secondary attention of prosthodontics or orthodontics, solutions of high cost and greater annoyance to the patient. Objective: To describe the procedure of aesthetic restoration without metallic support through direct method with nanocomposite as therapeutic alternative for the closure of widespread diastema. Case presentation: It is described the treatment imposed to a 53 year-old patient with antecedents of dental trauma with extraction of the 22 and complicated crown fractures in 12, 11 and 21 around 15 years ago, for which he received radical pulp-radicular treatments. The patient presented changes of severe coloration, besides the generalized diastema presence in the maxillary anterior sector, for which an integral restoration treatment through direct method was carried out by using a hybrid nanocomposite. Conclusions: The cosmetic treatment with nanocomposite without metallic substratum is a viable therapeutic alternative in the closing of the generalized diastema through direct method, even in patients with severe traumatized, dyschromia teeth with a radical pulp-radicular treatment.Key words: Closure of generalized diastema, dental cosmetics, nanocomposites for stumps adhesives, dental esthetics, permanent dental restoration.

Palabras clave: Cierre de diastemas generalizados, cosmética dental, nanocomposite para muñones adhesivos, estética dental, resina compuesta dental. ABSTRACTIntroduction: The aesthetic restoration without metallic substratum in the anterior sector ca... see more

Growing amounts of evidence support an association between self-reported greenspace near the home and lower noise annoyance; however, objectively defined greenspace has rarely been considered. In the present study, we tested the association between object... see more

1 of 8 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»