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Background. Lesson sare given toadults can be effective if the teacher is not over lydominate the class, but many seek to hear and acceptthe idea of a person, and then assess and answer questions posedby the students as adults. Purpose. Describe theeffect... see more

Objective: to identify the performance of activities congruent with the quality standards of nursing care by expert nurses in medical-surgical nursing, in the hospital context. Methods: a descriptive study, carried out in 36 hospitals, in which 259 nurses... see more

Background: Clinical learning in internship program is a very imperative. Taking care of patients in the clinil will train the students to sharpen their critical thinking. Critical thinking competence among nursing students is important to provide a holis... see more

Technological developments have led to smartphones becoming one of the media that can be used in learning. The use of smartphones as a learning medium is commonly referred to as mobile learning. The operating system that is widely used by smartphones in I... see more

Estrategias curriculares en la Carrera de Enfermería: su implementación en Pinar del Río, 2009 / Curricular strategies in Nursing Studies: implementation in Pinar del Rio, 2009Estrategias curriculares en la Carrera de Enfermería: su implementación en Pinar del Río, 2009 / Curricular strategies in Nursing Studies: implementation in Pinar del Rio, 2009Con el rediseño de los planes de estudio en la Carrera de Enfermería se implementan las estrategias curriculares a desarrollar en función de la formación integral de nuestros egresados, se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal y de intervención, con el fin de valorar el cumplimiento de las Estrategias curriculares en la Carrera, el universo estuvo constituido por 60 estudiantes y 32 profesores. Del total de 60 estudiantes de tercer año del Hospital Pediátrico Pepe Portilla se encuestaron 40, así como a los 32 profesores pertenecientes al municipio Pinar del Río. Se utilizaron diferentes variables que se representaron en las tablas y expresadas en por cientos para su mejor comprensión. En la revisión documental se aprecia que aparecen reflejados en el P1 como integrar las estrategias curriculares en cada asignatura. Se ha trabajado con los estudiantes la estrategia relacionada con la medicina natural y tradicional en las asignaturas que tributan a su año académico, y dado seguimiento a la estrategia relacionada con el cumplimiento de las normas éticas a través de la disciplina principal integradora, relacionado con las infecciones de transmisión sexual, la disciplina Enfermería Médico Quirúrgica, Introducción a la Salud Pública y Fundamentos Básicos de Enfermería abordan su cumplimiento, los profesores la mayoría conocen el documento que refleja la implementación de las mismas, estos plantean que las evalúan en las diferentes formas del sistema evaluativo, el nivel de seguimiento de las estrategias curriculares en su mayoría se cumple en el colectivo de asignatura.Palabras Clave: Estrategias Curriculares, Enfermería.ABSTRACTWith the redesign of the syllabuses in Nursing Studies new curricular strategies are implemented in order to achieve a comprehensive training in nursing graduates. A descriptive longitudinal study having an intervention section was conducted with the purpose of assessing the fulfilment of the curricular strategies in Nursing Studies. The target group was comprised of 60 students and 32 professors. Out of the total of 60 students in third academic course; 40 were interviewed at "Pepe Portilla" Children Hospital and 32 professors belonging to Pinar del Rio municipality. The different variables were expressed in tables and in percentages for a better understanding. The documentary review considered the ways to integrate the curricular strategies in each subject through the P1. The strategy related to Natural and Traditional Medicine was applied in correspondence with the academic year, as well as giving a follow up to the strategy related to the fulfilment of the ethical principles by means of the main comprehensive disciplines, taking into account the topics of sexually transmitted infections and the disciplines of Medical-surgical Nursing Care, Introduction to Public Health and Basic Foundations of the Nursing Care. The majority of the professors knew the documents to carry out the implementation and the evaluation of these strategies through the current evaluative system. The level to follow up the strategies is fulfilled by the teaching staff of the disciplines.Key words: Curricular strategies, nursing studies

ABSTRACTWith the redesign of the syllabuses in Nursing Studies new curricular strategies are implemented in order to achieve a comprehensive training in nursing graduates. A descriptive longitudinal study having an intervention section was conducted with ... see more

Brain metastases are related to the poor prognosis of patients. It is not clear why certain cancers are more likely to metastasize to the brain than others. Lung cancer, breast cancer and melanoma noted as the highest incidence of brain tumor metastasis. ... see more

Clinical practice experience is a kind of learning that must be done in nursing education. Result of job performance of an organization needs measurement standard so the assessment of performance is an essential aspect for hospitals to improve nurse profe... see more

1 of 3.282 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»