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Using the concept of information distance derived from Kolmogorov randomness, we study damage spreading for elementary cellular automata acting on a one-dimensional lattice. In contrast to previous definitions of the Lyapunov exponent based on Hamming dis... see more

Caracterización del maltrato a ancianos. Consejo Popular Capitán San Luis. Pinar del Río / Characterization of mistreatment to the elderly. "Capitan San Luis" Popular Council. Pinar del RioCaracterización del maltrato a ancianos. Consejo Popular Capitán San Luis. Pinar del Río / Characterization of mistreatment to the elderly. "Capitan San Luis" Popular Council. Pinar del RioSe realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal sobre la caracterización del maltrato a los ancianos, tomándose como universo a 650 pacientes, después de aplicarles los criterios de inclusión y exclusión la muestra quedó constituida por 90 ancianos del Grupo Básico de Trabajo número 3 del Consejo Popular Capitán San Luis, pertenecientes al Policlínico "Turcios Lima" de Pinar del Río, durante el período comprendido de julio de 2007 a marzo de 2008, con el objetivo de identificar el comportamiento del maltrato en el Adulto Mayor según el grupo de edades y sexo, los tipos de maltratos recibidos por los ancianos y su notificación por ellos, detectar el principal agresor e identificar la necesidad de información sobre el tema. La información se recogió a partir de una encuesta, aplicada por los médicos y enfermeras de la familia de sus cuatro consultorios médicos de la comunidad. Para el análisis estadístico de los datos se utilizó la prueba de ji Cuadrado, al 95 % de certeza. El grupo de edades más maltratado fue el de 60 a 69 años, con predominio del sexo femenino, sobre todo por maltrato psicológico. Los hijos y familiares resultaron ser los principales agresores más cercanos. Los ancianos reconocen que existe la gran necesidad de divulgación sobre el tema.Palabras Clave: ANCIANO/rehabilitaciónABSTRACTA descriptive of cross-sectional cut study was carried out with the purpose of characterizing the mistreatment to the elderly; the target group was comprised of 650 patients, that after the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, a sample of 90 patients was taken from the Number 3-Basic Group of Work belonging to "Turcios Lima" Outpatient Clinic health area at "Capitan San Luis" Popular Council. Pinar del Rio municipality. This study was conducted from July 2007 to March 2008 aimed at identifying the behavior of mistreatment in the elderly according to the age bracket and sex, kind of mistreatment and those kinds of abuse the elderly notified, detecting the main aggressor and identifying the need of information about the topic. The information was taken from a survey, applied by family doctors and nurses of the four doctor's offices in the community. To perform the statistical analysis the chi square test with 95% of certainty was used. Ages from 60 to 69 showed the highest percent, prevailing female sex and psychological mistreatment. Sons, daughters and relatives were the closets aggressors. The elderly recognized the need of spreading information about the topic.Key words: The elderly/rehabilitation

ABSTRACTA descriptive of cross-sectional cut study was carried out with the purpose of characterizing the mistreatment to the elderly; the target group was comprised of 650 patients, that after the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, a s... see more

Inmunopatología de la influenza A H1N1 / Immunology of the Influenza A H1N1 infectionInmunopatología de la influenza A H1N1 / Immunology of the Influenza A H1N1 infectionSe realiza una actualización sobra la virología e inmunología en la infección por el virus  A H1N1.  La primera epidemia del siglo XXI fue declarada por la OMS el 9 de junio de 2009.  H1N1 es un nuevo virus de la influenza A con elevada contagiosidad lo que ha influido en la velocidad de propagación de la infección entre los diferentes países y ha propiciado una alta morbimortalidad.  La característica de su genoma (ARN), al estar constituido por 8 fragmentos, interviene en la replicación viral defectuosa y en el proceso de flujo y cambio antigénico, con rearreglo genético que causa la aparición de nuevas cepas del virus.  La inducción ineficiente de interferón por la célula hospedera, el débil papel de los anticuerpos neutralizantes en la primoinfección, y la liberación de citoquinas proinflamatorias, sumado a las sobreinfecciones bacterianas condicionan la alta morbilidad y mortalidad que se incrementa en determinadas condiciones de comorbilidad de los individuos infectados.  Los cambios que ocurren en los antígenos virales impiden el reconocimiento por el sistema inmune., y ahí radica la dificultad para la preparación definitiva de una vacuna.  Entender la inmunopatología de la infección, así como divulgar esta información a la comunidad científica, constituye el paso inicial para la toma de decisiones a favor de evitar la propagación de la infección.Palabras clave. Gripe humana/prevención & y control, Virus de la Influenza A/inmunología/patogenicidad, MUTACIÓN/genética ABSTRACTAn update about the virology and immunology of the Influenza A H1N1 infection is made.  The first epidemic of the XXIth century was addresses by WHO on June 9th, 2009.  H1N1 is a new virus of the Influenza A, showing increased infection, thereby influencing on the spreading speed of the infection among different countries leading to high morbidity and mortality.  The viral genome (RNA), being formed of 8 fragments, works for a defective viral replication and on the process of antigenic flux and change, having a genetic rearrangement causing the appearance of new viral strains.  The inefficient induction of interferon, the weak role of neutralizing antibodies in the prime-infection, and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, added to the bacterial superimposed infections will condition the high morbidity and mortality that are increased in certain comorbid conditions of the infected individuals.  Changes occurring on viral antigens avoid the reconnaissance of the virus by the immune system, then the difficulty to make a proper vaccine.   Understanding the immunopathology of this infection, so as the divulgation of this information to the scientific community, are the initial steps for the taking of decisions to favor the avoiding of the infection spreading.Key words: Human influenza/prevention & control, Influenza A virus/inmunology/pathogenicity, MUTATION/genetics.

ABSTRACTAn update about the virology and immunology of the Influenza A H1N1 infection is made.  The first epidemic of the XXIth century was addresses by WHO on June 9th, 2009.  H1N1 is a new virus of the Influenza A, showing increased infection,... see more

This study explores the community learning centers' effort in improving the community's information literacy to prevent cybercrime during the pandemic era through an empirical examination of the phenomenon of pandemic COVID 19 social impacts in the specif... see more

Rainfall hourly distribution is still a very important variable in the computation of the design of some hydraulic works. It has been generally known that this distribution will defer from one to the other region. The distribution defers from that exist i... see more

The article considers the specifics of network effects of communication in functioning of mass consciousness in the period of information warfare. Conclusions are based on data of research project «Mass consciousness in the zone of military conflict in th... see more

The interaction between an entity and environment, where the activity is carried out, generates the need of impartial and consequent information, whose satisfaction requires a proper supply. The information, produced in a systematic manner by the practiti... see more

Introduction Recent evaluations of IT innovations in primary care have highlighted variations between centres and practices in uptake and use. We evaluated whether structural characteristics of a general practice were associated with variations in use of ... see more

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