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The number of natural catastrophes that affect people worldwide is increasing; among these, the hydro-meteorological events represent the worst scenario due to the thousands of deaths and huge damages to private and state ownership they can cause. To prev... see more

Establishing an effective long-term maintenance plan is essential to ensure the sustainability of a building. Among the various components of a building, the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) components are complexly affected by various parameter... see more

Several deterministic approaches have been proposed in literature for available transfer capability (ATC) computation. However, the gradual shift in power generation sources from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources has a remarkable influence on the A... see more

Parsing is a process of analyzing the input string in a sentence to define the syntax structures according to rules of grammar. This task is performed by a parser which will produce a parse tree as output. However, a problem occurs when the parsing proces... see more

Peak water demand is one of the most stringent operative conditions for a Water Distribution System (WDS), not only for the intensity of the event itself, but also for its recurring nature. The estimation of the maximum water demand is a crucial aspect in... see more

Caracterización clínico epidemiológica de pacientes con co-infección TB/VIH en el Hospital Sanatorio de Luanda / Clinical epidemiological characterization of patients with TB / HIV co-infection in the Sanatorium Hospital of Luanda Caracterización clínico epidemiológica de pacientes con co-infección TB/VIH en el Hospital Sanatorio de Luanda / Clinical epidemiological characterization of patients with TB / HIV co-infection in the Sanatorium Hospital of LuandaObjetivo: caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente los casos nuevos de TB pulmonar con VIH positivo en el Hospital Sanatorio de Luanda en los años 2014 y 2015.Método: se realizó una investigación descriptiva de corte transversal y enfoque cuantitativo con una muestra probabilística de 148 casos del universo de pacientes con diagnóstico de caso nuevo de TB pulmonar y HIV positivo que llevaron tratamiento antibacilar, los datos fueron recogidos de las historias clínicas.Resultados: la población estudiada presentó una edad media de 36,7 (DE. ± 8,2) años, predominó el sexo masculino con 51,3% de los casos, el estadio III para el VIH/Sida fue mayoritario, los síntomas más frecuentes fueron la tos, fiebre y pérdida de peso, al diagnóstico de la TB los pacientes presentaron una mediana de 200,0 cel/mm3 de CD4, más del 85% desconocía su estado serológico a VIH y se observó un predominio de baciloscopias negativas con 92 casos; el tratamiento antibacilar fue exitoso en el 66,2% de los casos, un 23,0% de los casos lo abandonaron y enel 66,2% se combinó con antirretrovirales.Conclusiones: al diagnóstico de la TB la mayoría de los pacientes desconocían su estado serológico y presentaban  un estadio avanzado del VIH/Sida con deterioro de sus niveles de CD4, lo que facilitó la presentación clínica de la TB como enfermedad oportunista con predominio de baciloscopias negativas, los pacientes presentaron buena respuesta al tratamiento antibacilar y antirretroviral.Palabras clave: Tuberculosis; VIH-Sida; co-infección.Objective: Clinically and epidemiologically characterize the new cases of pulmonary TB with HIV positive in the Hospital Sanatorium of Luanda in the years 2014 and 2015.Method: A descriptive cross-sectional investigation and a quantitative approach with a probabilistic sample of 148 cases from the universe of patients diagnosed with a new case of pulmonary TB and HIV positive who took antibacillary treatment, the data were collected f rom the medical records.Results: The population studied had a mean age of 36.7 (SD. ± 8.2) years, the male sex predominated with 51.3% of the cases, stage III for HIV / AIDS was the majority, the most cough, fever and weight loss werefrequent, at the diagnosis of TB the patients had a median of 200.0 cells / mm3 of CD4, more than 85% were unaware of their HIV status and a predominance of negative smear microscopy was observed. 92 cases; the antibacillary treatment was successful in 66.2% of the cases, 23.0% of the cases abandoned it and in 66,2% it was combined with antiretrovirals.Conclusions: In the diagnosis of TB, most of the patients were unaware of their serological status and had an advanced stage of HIV / AIDS with deterioration of their CD4 levels, which facilitated the clinical presentation of TB as an opportunistic disease with a predominance of negative sputum smear microscopy, patients presented good response to antibacillary and antiretroviral treatment.Keywords: Tuberculosis; HIV AIDS; co-infection

Método: se realizó una investigación descriptiva de corte transversal y enfoque cuantitativo con una muestra probabilística de 148 casos del universo de pacientes con diagnóstico de caso nuevo de TB pulmonar y HIV positivo que llevaron tratamiento antibac... see more

The wide use of cameras enables the availability of a large amount of image frames that can be used for people counting or to monitor crowds or single individuals for security purposes. These applications require both, object detection and tracking. This ... see more

Subject: the use of the apparatus of temporal logic and probabilistic approaches to construct an explanation of the results of the work of an intelligent system in order to increase the efficiency of using the solutions and recommendations obtained. Purpo... see more

As in other hilly and mountainous regions of the world, the hillslopes of Bujumbura are prone to landslides. In this area, landslides impact human lives and infrastructures. Despite the high landslide-induced damages, slope instabilities are less investig... see more

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