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Abstract: The shift in working habits from home to returning to work in the office has resulted in significant changes that require readjustment. This study aims to analyze the competence of information and communication technology utilization and job enr... see more

AbstractOrientation: This article provides an explorative analysis of the use of the job enrichment technique for decision-making in higher education in the Philippines.Research purpose: The profile of administrators in charge of decision-making was inves... see more

This study aims to establish an understanding of specific factors in HR practices in BCA upon employee commitment and the role of job satisfaction as a mediating role. The study analyzed four factors with a sample of 409 employees in Bank Central Asia, Tb... see more

This study aims to establish an understanding of specific factors in HR practices in BCA upon employee commitment and the role of job satisfaction as a mediating role. The study analyzed four factors with a sample of 409 employees in Bank Central Asia, Tb... see more

Comportamientos humanos de los instructores educativos. Atención a la diversidad cultural. Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina / Human behaviors of educative instructors. Attention to cultural diversity. Latinamerican School of Medicine Comportamientos humanos de los instructores educativos. Atención a la diversidad cultural. Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina / Human behaviors of educative instructors. Attention to cultural diversity. Latinamerican School of MedicineLa Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina tiene la particularidad de contar con estudiantes procedentes de diferentes países, por consiguiente, variadas culturas, costumbres y procederes. En tal sentido se ha hecho necesario el empleo de diversas acciones con los instructores educativos para el mejoramiento de su comportamiento humano, hacia una adecuada atención a la diversidad cultural.   Este trabajo tiene como objetivo exponer algunas consideraciones sobre la importancia de atender la diversidad cultural por parte de los instructores educativos, partiendo de su mejoramiento en el comportamiento humano.   Se realizó una revisión documental para fundamentar la importancia de la atención a la diversidad cultural y el comportamiento humano. Además de la observación al desempeño laboral de los instructores educativos. La labor que realizan los instructores educativos requiere de una elevada preparación para el desarrollo de acciones a favor del respeto, la valoración y el reconocimiento de la diversidad cultural, así como la comprensión, el entendimiento y el enriquecimiento mutuo desde el marco de referencia cultural del otro. El mejoramiento del comportamiento humano de los instructores educativos ha resultado de gran valor para la atención a la diversidad cultural en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina, que resulta necesario para la formación del futuro profesional, por lo que debe aplicarse de forma permanente en los diferentes escenarios de la residencia estudiantil, por donde transitan los estudiantes.Palabras clave: diversidad cultural; comportamiento humano; instructores educativos.ABSTRACT The Latin American School of Medicine has the particularity of having students from different countries, therefore varied cultures, customs, procedures, and in this sense it has become necessary to employ various actions with educational instructors to improve their human behavior, for adequate attention to cultural diversity. This work aims to present some considerations on the importance of attending to cultural diversity by educational instructors, based on their improvement in human behavior. Documentary review for the foundation of the importance of attention to cultural diversity and human behavior. Observation of the job performance of educational instructors. The work carried out by educational instructors requires a high level of preparation for the development of actions in favor of respect, appreciation and recognition of cultural diversity, as well as mutual understanding, understanding and enrichment from the cultural reference framework. of the other. The improvement of the human behavior of the educational instructors has been of great value for the attention to the cultural diversity in the ELAM, which is necessary for the formation of the professional future, so it must be applied permanently in the different scenarios of the student residence, where students travel Keywords: cultural diversity; human behavior; educative instructors.

work aims to present some considerations on the importance of attending to cultural diversity by educational instructors, based on their improvement in human behavior. Documentary review for the foundation of the importance of attention to cultural divers... see more

Comportamientos humanos de los instructores educativos. Atención a la diversidad cultural. Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina / Human behaviors of educative instructors. Attention to cultural diversity. Latinamerican School of Medicine Comportamientos humanos de los instructores educativos. Atención a la diversidad cultural. Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina / Human behaviors of educative instructors. Attention to cultural diversity. Latinamerican School of MedicineLa Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina tiene la particularidad de contar con estudiantes procedentes de diferentes países, por consiguiente, variadas culturas, costumbres y procederes. En tal sentido se ha hecho necesario el empleo de diversas acciones con los instructores educativos para el mejoramiento de su comportamiento humano, hacia una adecuada atención a la diversidad cultural.   Este trabajo tiene como objetivo exponer algunas consideraciones sobre la importancia de atender la diversidad cultural por parte de los instructores educativos, partiendo de su mejoramiento en el comportamiento humano.   Se realizó una revisión documental para fundamentar la importancia de la atención a la diversidad cultural y el comportamiento humano. Además de la observación al desempeño laboral de los instructores educativos. La labor que realizan los instructores educativos requiere de una elevada preparación para el desarrollo de acciones a favor del respeto, la valoración y el reconocimiento de la diversidad cultural, así como la comprensión, el entendimiento y el enriquecimiento mutuo desde el marco de referencia cultural del otro. El mejoramiento del comportamiento humano de los instructores educativos ha resultado de gran valor para la atención a la diversidad cultural en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina, que resulta necesario para la formación del futuro profesional, por lo que debe aplicarse de forma permanente en los diferentes escenarios de la residencia estudiantil, por donde transitan los estudiantes.Palabras clave: diversidad cultural; comportamiento humano; instructores educativos.ABSTRACT The Latin American School of Medicine has the particularity of having students from different countries, therefore varied cultures, customs, procedures, and in this sense it has become necessary to employ various actions with educational instructors to improve their human behavior, for adequate attention to cultural diversity. This work aims to present some considerations on the importance of attending to cultural diversity by educational instructors, based on their improvement in human behavior. Documentary review for the foundation of the importance of attention to cultural diversity and human behavior. Observation of the job performance of educational instructors. The work carried out by educational instructors requires a high level of preparation for the development of actions in favor of respect, appreciation and recognition of cultural diversity, as well as mutual understanding, understanding and enrichment from the cultural reference framework. of the other. The improvement of the human behavior of the educational instructors has been of great value for the attention to the cultural diversity in the ELAM, which is necessary for the formation of the professional future, so it must be applied permanently in the different scenarios of the student residence, where students travel Keywords: cultural diversity; human behavior; educative instructors.

work aims to present some considerations on the importance of attending to cultural diversity by educational instructors, based on their improvement in human behavior. Documentary review for the foundation of the importance of attention to cultural divers... see more

One of the therapeutic programs is communication enrichment program which depends on education rather than treatment, and the occupations related to nursing services is one of the most stressful ones among jobs which women are engaged in and thus this stu... see more

 In light of the increasing expectations of health travelers towards the quality of healthcare, this study intends to examine nurses’ motivation and job performance in the health tourism hospital in Malaysia. Nurses were intended in this study becaus... see more

This paper discussed motivation, some theories of motivation, motivating factors, and motivation and library personnel. Workers are the human resources of any organization and the most important asset of an organization. Motivation arouses, energizes, dir... see more

1 of 1.292 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»