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Sustainable development represents a civilization challenge that should meet the needs of today’s generations without jeopardizing the ability of the Earth to meet the needs of the future generations. This challenge, as an evolutionary process in which th... see more

Enfoque sistémico de la superación profesional para el tratamiento del contenido de inmunología en la formación posgraduada del médico especialista clínico / Systematical focus of professional upgrade for the treatment of immunological content in the post Enfoque sistémico de la superación profesional para el tratamiento del contenido de inmunología en la formación posgraduada del médico especialista clínico / Systematical focus of professional upgrade for the treatment of immunological content in the postObjetivo: argumentar la necesidad del enfoque sistémico de la superación de los profesionales sobre la base de premisas que deben cumplimentarse en este proceso.Métodos: se emplearon métodos teóricos como el análisis históricológico, la modelación y los procedimientos de análisis y síntesis e inducción y deducción estructural. Se argumenta la necesidad del enfoque sistémico de la superación de éstos profesionales sobre la base de premisas que deben cumplimentarse en este proceso.Resultados: el enfoque sistémico como herramienta metodológica permite modelar el proceso de superación de los médicos especialistas clínicos en el área de la inmunología, como ciencia transdisciplinaria, desde una perspectiva integradora, interpretándose en su aspecto estático (estructura, componentes) y en su aspecto dinámico (funcionamiento y relaciones), sobre la base de un aprendizaje desarrollador. Al modelar este proceso también está en condiciones de ampliar las ofertas educativas; y por ende; la adquisición y transformación de conocimientos,habilidades y valores por parte de este profesional, así como la adecuada actualización sistemática de acuerdo con el desarrollo científico-técnico, al contribuir a elevar la productividad, eficiencia y calidad del trabajo, lo que implica un avance y desplazamiento de las fronteras del conocimiento.Conclusiones: el enfoque sistémico de la superación profesional del médico especialista clínico en el área de la Inmunología, constituye el punto de partida para el establecimiento de estrategias que posibiliten su perfeccionamiento con una concepción científica más acabada.ABSTRACTObjective: to argument the systematical focus of professional upgrade on the base of premises that should be complemented in this process.Methods: theoretical methods as historical logical analysis, modelation and the analysis processing analysis, synthesis induction and structural deduction. The necessity of systemical focus of these professional’s update is argued on the base of premises that should be complemented in this process.Results: the systematical focus as a methodological tool allow to modelate the upgrade process of clinicalspecialist physicians in the Immunology area, as a transdisciplinary science, from an integrated perspective interpretating in its static aspect (structure, components) and in its dynamic aspect (functioning and relationships) on the base of a developing learning. Modelating this process, is also in conditions to extend the educative offers and within the accession and transformation of knowledge, abilities and valors by part of this professional, as well as the satisfactory and systematic update according to the scientific technological development, contributing to upheave the productivity, efficiency and quality of the work, that implicate an advance and displacement of the knowledge’s frontiers.Conclusions: the systematical focus of professional upgrade of clinical specialist physician in the Immunology area constitutes a point of reference for the establishment of strategies that allow its improvement with a scientific conception more completed.Keywords: professional upgrade; profesional; systematical focus; clinical specialist physician; Immunology.

Methods: theoretical methods as historical logical analysis, modelation and the analysis processing analysis, synthesis induction and structural deduction. The necessity of systemical focus of these professional’s update is argued on the base of premises ... see more

Structural and functional model of future borderguard officers’ professional training on the basis of distance learning technologies has been substantiated in the article, which takes into account the main components of the researched process. This model ... see more

Structural and functional model of future borderguard officers’ professional training on the basis of distance learning technologies has been substantiated in the article, which takes into account the main components of the researched process. This model ... see more

Issues such as technical and economic capacity in the production of goods and services, administrative and financial management, and marketing policies, are crucial for sustainable growth of organizations, understood as a dynamic process that has an effec... see more

The design of new buildings, and even more the rehabilitation of existing ones, needs to satisfy modern criteria in terms of energy efficiency and environmental performance, within the context of adequate safety requirements. Tackling all these needs at t... see more

Los funcionarios gubernamentales del Poder Popular tienen la responsabilidad de articular a los individuos y las acciones alrededor del gobierno municipal, en función de solucionar los problemas ambientales en el ámbito local. Alineado a este reclamo, el ... see more

The article presents the substantiation that the development of the event potential of the tourist destination «Dubno» is a tool for innovative development of the region. The study used general and special scientific research methods, including structural... see more

1 of 19.991 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»