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Coal is a unique sedimentary rock, both in the process of formation and rock characteristics which are strongly influenced by the conditions of the depositional environment. Different depositional environments, the characteristics of the coal are differen... see more

PEMANFAATAN HASIL PERIKANAN SEBAGAI PRODUK BERNILAI TAMBAH (VALUE-ADDED) DALAM UPAYA PENGANEKARAGAMAN PANGAN [Utilization of Fishery Products with Added Value to Support Food Diversification] Tri Winarni Agustini 1) , dan Fronthea Swastawati 1) 1) Staf Pengajar Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan Jurusan Perikanan FAPRIKAN, Universitas Diponegoro – Semarang Diterima  12 Agustus 2002 /Disetujui 8 April 2003 ABSTRACT   Utilization of fishery products efficiently and cooperatively is important to improve esthetical value of the products. Diversification of fishery products is possible to be implemented, both vertically and horizontally. Understanding of their processing technology is very important for fish processors in order to produce healthy products and highly accepted by consumers. In accordance to the government policy about National Food Safety Programs, one of which is to improve the production of processed food, the diversification of fishery processing should be pointed to very focus condition. The consumption of fish is still low in Indonesia (± 21.69 kg per capita per year), while the fishery resources are abundance. Therefore, efforts in increasing consumption of fish by the consumer to reach the target of the national program i.e. 26.5 kg/capita/year are needed.  Production of “Value-added” by diversification method is aimed not only to improve consumption but also to create appetizing products for the consumers. Some examples of “Value Added” product that are becoming popular nowadays include: fish ball, milk fish pressed-cooked, fish nuggets, fish sausage, ekado fish, aji furai, etc. Some products had been sold by home industries but is still possible to produce in industrial scale. The raw material used can be from marine or cultured fish and also frozen surimi, that are potential to be implemented in Indonesia.     

PEMANFAATAN HASIL PERIKANAN SEBAGAI PRODUK BERNILAI TAMBAH (VALUE-ADDED) DALAM UPAYA PENGANEKARAGAMAN PANGAN [Utilization of Fishery Products with Added Value to Support Food Diversification] Tri Winarni Agustini 1) , dan Fronthea Swastawati 1) 1) Staf P... see more
< | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | strong> | < | span style="font-size:13pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | PEMANFAATAN HASIL PERIKANAN SEBAGAI PRODUK BERNILAI TAMBAH < | /span> | < | /strong> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | strong> | < | span style="font-size:13pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | (VALUE-ADDED) DALAM UPAYA PENGANEKARAGAMAN PANGAN< | /span> | < | /strong> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top:12pt | text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | span lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | [Utilization of Fishery Products with Added Value to Support Food Diversification]< | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top:16pt | text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | strong> | < | span style="font-size:10pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | Tri Winarni Agustini < | sup> | 1)< | /sup> |   |  dan Fronthea Swastawati < | sup> | 1)< | /sup> | < | /span> | < | /strong> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top:6pt | text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | strong> | < | sup> | < | span style="font-size:11pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | 1) < | /span> | < | /sup> | < | /strong> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | Staf Pengajar Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan Jurusan Perikanan FAPRIKAN |  Universitas Diponegoro – Semarang < | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top:6pt | text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | Diterima< | span> |   |  < | /span> | 12 Agustus 2002 /Disetujui 8 April 2003< | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoTitle" style="margin-top:18pt | "> | < | span lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | ABSTRACT < | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoTitle"> | < | span style="font-size:10pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> |   | < | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify | text-indent:30pt | "> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | Utilization of fishery products efficiently and cooperatively is important to improve esthetical value of the products. Diversification of fishery products is possible to be implemented |  both vertically and horizontally. Understanding of their processing technology is very important for fish processors in order to produce healthy products and highly accepted by consumers.< | /span> | < | /em> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify | text-indent:30pt | "> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | In accordance to the government policy about National Food Safety Programs |  one of which is to improve the production of processed food |  the diversification of fishery processing should be pointed to very focus condition. The consumption of fish is still low in Indonesia (< | /span> | < | /em> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | font-family:Symbol | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | < | span> | ±< | /span> | < | /span> | < | /em> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> |  21.69 kg per capita per year) |  while the fishery resources are abundance. Therefore |  efforts in increasing consumption of fish by the consumer to reach the target of the national program i.e. 26.5 kg/capita/year are needed.< | span> |   |  < | /span> | < | /span> | < | /em> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify | text-indent:30pt | "> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | Production of “Value-added” by diversification method is aimed not only to improve consumption but also to create appetizing products for the consumers. Some examples of “Value Added” product that are becoming popular nowadays include: fish ball |  milk fish pressed-cooked |  fish nuggets |  fish sausage |  ekado fish |  aji furai |  etc. Some products had been sold by home industries but is still possible to produce in industrial scale. The raw material used can be from marine or cultured fish and also frozen surimi |  that are potential to be implemented in Indonesia.< | span> |   |   |  < | /span> | < | /span> | < | /em> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify | text-indent:30pt | "> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> |   | < | /span> | < | /p> | < | br /> | < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify | line-height:200% | "> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | line-height:200% | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | < | span> |   | < | /span> | < | /span> | < | /em> | < | /p> | 

Waktu dumping dan manuver merupakan bagian terpenting dari cycle time jika waktu dumping dan manuver besar maka cycle time juga akan besar artinya produksi akan berkurang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi data dumping dan manuver ke pr... see more

Roger Williams (1604-1683) es considerado uno de los principales autores que fundamentó el camino para ideas constitutivas de la vida política moderna como la libertad de conciencia, la tolerancia y la neutralidad del Estado en materia religiosa. Varias d... see more

Hyperuricemia is a metabolic disorder that is often found in the community, and requires long-termtreatment. To determine the effi cacy and safety of the hyperuricemia herbs, clinical studies have been carried out on the effi cacy and safety of tablet pre... see more

Pembangunan sektor industri sebagai bagian dari proses pembangunan nasional dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang telah membawa perubahan terhadap kehidupan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui dampak positif industri semen terhadap l... see more

Telah terjadi Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) DBD di Kota Jambi berdasarkan laporan wabah/KLB (W1) dari Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Jambi Agustus tahun 2011. Jumlah kasus yang dilaporkan sebanyak 261 orang dan kematian sebanyak 8 orang dengan Case Fatality Rate (C... see more

Berdasarkan surat permohonan dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kebumen tanggal 24 Agustus 2006 tentang Penanggulangan KLB malaria di Desa Jintung Kecamatan Ayah dan Desa Jladri Kecamatan Buayan. Telah terjadi peningkatan kasus malaria pada bulan Juli dan Agu... see more

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