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This paper investigated how breathy voice and fundamental frequency relate to perceptions of gender and femininity, and how this is portrayed in the movie The Danish Girl. The aim of analysing The Danish Girl was to investigate whether Eddy Redmayne, who ... see more

This paper investigated how breathy voice and fundamental frequency relate to perceptions of gender and femininity, and how this is portrayed in the movie The Danish Girl. The aim of analysing The Danish Girl was to investigate whether Eddy Redmayne, who ... see more

Fundamental frequency (F0, perceived as pitch) is an important prosodic cue of emotion. The aim of the present study was to find out if sentence emotion has any influence detectable in the F0 height and range of Estonian read-out speech. Thus the F0 of ea... see more

A simplified Voltage Peak Detection (VPD)-based flickermeter based on spectral decomposition is proposed in this paper to detect flicker caused by high-frequency interharmonic components which effect the illumination of next-generation lamps, such as LEDs... see more

In telecommunications equipment, an oscillator has a function to generate a carrier signal. As the carrier signal, a high stability performance is required. The frequency shift caused by component tolerances. In this research, a Monte-Carlo method was use... see more

Listening is one of the fundamental skills of language, and it is a skill that individuals will need throughout their lives, both in their educational years and in their social lives. From this point of view, the acquired skills for listening should be ca... see more

Violencia en la relación de pareja, repercusión en la salud. Facultad “Victoria de Girón”. 2017 / Violence in pair relationship, repercussion in health Violencia en la relación de pareja, repercusión en la salud. Facultad “Victoria de Girón”. 2017 / Violence in pair relationship, repercussion in healthObjetivo: proponer una estrategia para disminuir la violencia de género en las estudiantes de Ciencias Médicas con vínculo de pareja.Método: se aplicó una encuesta con preguntas cerradas y semiabiertas, una entrevista, un análisis documental y una revisión bibliográfica que posibilitaron analizar y procesar la información obtenida sobre el tema que se investiga.Resultados: los principales resultados reflejaron que las estudiantes relacionaron la violencia con el ejercicio de la fuerza. La forma más frecuente de ejercicio de la violencia identificada fue la psicológica. La causa expresada con mayor frecuencia fueron los modelos de educación familiar. Se realizó en busca de signos y síntomas psicofisiológicos relacionados con las situaciones violentas, donde en la mayoría de los casos hubo presencia de los mismos posteriormente al episodio. En las estudiantes víctimas de violencia psicológica predominaron la cefalea, los trastornos del sueño, las cervicalgias y los dolores musculares. Los problemas genitourinarios más frecuentes fueron las infecciones urinarias, asociados a violencia sexual. Los síntomas psicológicos referidos frecuentemente fueron la ansiedad, la angustia, los sentimientos de culpabilidad y malestares inespecíficos para los que no han buscado tratamiento.Conclusiones: la violencia en las relaciones de pareja repercute en la salud de las víctimas  fundamentalmente. La causa principal identificada es una inadecuada influencia familiar debido a una educación deficiente mediada por patrones violentos de conductas.ABSTRACTObjective:to propose a strategy to dismiss the gender violence in students of Medical Sciences with pairnexus.Method: a questionnaire with open and semi open questions was applied, an interview, a documental analysis and a bibliography review, that allowed to analyzed and to process the obtained information on the topic of investigation.Results: the principal results reflected that the students related the violence to the practice of might. The most frequently form of violence practice identified was the psychological. The cause expressed with major frequency was related to familiar education models. The study was carried out looking for psychophysiological signs and symptoms related to violence situation where in the major of cases was presence of the same after the episode. In the students victims of psychological violence, predominated headache, sleep troubles, cervicalgia and muscles pains. The genital urinary problems more frequency were the urinary infections associated to sexual violence. The psychological symptoms frequently referred were anxiety, heartbreak, feelings of guiltiness and unspecific unrest for the one have not looked treatment.Conclusion: the violence in the pair relationships rebounds in the victim’s health fundamentally. The principal cause identified is an unsuitable familiar influence due to a deficient education mediated by violence models of behavior.Keywords: gender violence; violence in pair relationship; health.

Método: se aplicó una encuesta con preguntas cerradas y semiabiertas, una entrevista, un análisis documental y una revisión bibliográfica que posibilitaron analizar y procesar la información obtenida sobre el tema que se investiga.Resultados: los principa... see more

Rajs Arkadiusz, Rajs Katarzyna. Ograniczenia ekstrakcji czestotliwosci podstawowej dzwieku fortepianu w oparciu o analize cepstrum = Limit the extraction of fundamental frequency sound of the piano based on cepstrum analysis. Journal of Education, Health ... see more

The processing of various vibrational low-frequency and cavitation high-frequency actions by their rheological properties is studied. A mathematical model of the motion of particles of a technological environment is determined taking into account the diff... see more

1 of 6.206 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»