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1 of 27.631 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
The reason of this review is the absence of thorough information of rotavirusinfection that had been the major cause of severe diarrhea in children of under5-years of age in Indonesia, despite numerous publications elaborating rotavirusinfection in some g... see more

Comportamiento del síndrome metabólico en niños y adolescentes con malnutrición por exceso. Municipio Camagüey / Behavior of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents with malnutrition for excess. Camaguey municipality Comportamiento del síndrome metabólico en niños y adolescentes con malnutrición por exceso. Municipio Camagüey / Behavior of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents with malnutrition for excess. Camaguey municipalitySe realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal con el objetivo de analizar el comportamiento del síndrome metabólico en niños y adolescentes con mal nutrición por exceso del municipio Camagüey, así como determinar la prevalencia del mismo y la posible relación de la adiposidad central con las dislipidemias, la hipertensión arterial y la insulinorresistencia, entre otras variables. El universo lo conformaron 77 niños de 3 a 17 años de edad, del municipio de Camagüey, seleccionados de acuerdo con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión definidos para esta investigación. A los niños se le determinaron las variables: la circunferencia de la cintura y la cadera, la tensión arterial sistólica y diastólica, así como los niveles sanguíneos de glucosa, triglicéridos, la insulina y el colesterol. Se estableció la relación estadística entre las medidas antropométricas y los parámetros bioquímicos establecidos. Los resultados constituyen una contribución para estimar la prevalencia del síndrome metabólico en las edades tempranas. Además, es útil para validar la propuesta cubana de clasificación de esta entidad, su sensibilidad y especificidad en el diagnóstico de la insulinorresistencia, lo cual permite definir estrategias futuras de prevención de la obesidad y el sedentarismo en la población infantil del municipio de Camagüey.Palabras clave: obesidad; síndrome metabólico; niños; adolescentes; insulinorresistencia.ABSTRACT An observational analytic cross study was carried out with the objective to analyze the behavior of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents with malnutrition for excess of Camaguey municipality, as well as to determ the prevalence of it and the possible relation of the central adiposity and dislipidemies, arterial hypertension and the insulin resistance, among other variables, the universe was conformed by 77 children from 3 to 17 years age of Camaguey municipality selected according to inclusion and exclusion criterions for this investigation. To the children the following variables were determined: circumference of the waistline and the coxa, the systolic and diastolic arterial tension, as well as blood levels of glucose, triglycerides, insulin and fatty. The statistics relationship between anthropometric  measures and  biochemistry parameters established were concerned.  The results constitute a contribution to value the prevalence of  metabolic syndrome in early ages. Also it is useful to validate de Cuban classification proposal of this entity, its sensibility and particularization in the diagnosis of insulin resistance, the one allows to define future strategies of obesity and sedentary prevention in children population of Camaguey municipality.Keywords: obesity; metabolic syndrome; children; adolescent; insulin resistance.

and exclusion criterions for this investigation. To the children the following variables were determined: circumference of the waistline and the coxa, the systolic and diastolic arterial tension, as well as blood levels of glucose, triglycerides, insulin ... see more

Comportamiento del síndrome metabólico en niños y adolescentes con malnutrición por exceso. Municipio Camagüey / Behavior of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents with malnutrition for excess. Camaguey municipality Comportamiento del síndrome metabólico en niños y adolescentes con malnutrición por exceso. Municipio Camagüey / Behavior of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents with malnutrition for excess. Camaguey municipalitySe realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal con el objetivo de analizar el comportamiento del síndrome metabólico en niños y adolescentes con mal nutrición por exceso del municipio Camagüey, así como determinar la prevalencia del mismo y la posible relación de la adiposidad central con las dislipidemias, la hipertensión arterial y la insulinorresistencia, entre otras variables. El universo lo conformaron 77 niños de 3 a 17 años de edad, del municipio de Camagüey, seleccionados de acuerdo con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión definidos para esta investigación. A los niños se le determinaron las variables: la circunferencia de la cintura y la cadera, la tensión arterial sistólica y diastólica, así como los niveles sanguíneos de glucosa, triglicéridos, la insulina y el colesterol. Se estableció la relación estadística entre las medidas antropométricas y los parámetros bioquímicos establecidos. Los resultados constituyen una contribución para estimar la prevalencia del síndrome metabólico en las edades tempranas. Además, es útil para validar la propuesta cubana de clasificación de esta entidad, su sensibilidad y especificidad en el diagnóstico de la insulinorresistencia, lo cual permite definir estrategias futuras de prevención de la obesidad y el sedentarismo en la población infantil del municipio de Camagüey.Palabras clave: obesidad; síndrome metabólico; niños; adolescentes; insulinorresistencia.ABSTRACT An observational analytic cross study was carried out with the objective to analyze the behavior of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents with malnutrition for excess of Camaguey municipality, as well as to determ the prevalence of it and the possible relation of the central adiposity and dislipidemies, arterial hypertension and the insulin resistance, among other variables, the universe was conformed by 77 children from 3 to 17 years age of Camaguey municipality selected according to inclusion and exclusion criterions for this investigation. To the children the following variables were determined: circumference of the waistline and the coxa, the systolic and diastolic arterial tension, as well as blood levels of glucose, triglycerides, insulin and fatty. The statistics relationship between anthropometric  measures and  biochemistry parameters established were concerned.  The results constitute a contribution to value the prevalence of  metabolic syndrome in early ages. Also it is useful to validate de Cuban classification proposal of this entity, its sensibility and particularization in the diagnosis of insulin resistance, the one allows to define future strategies of obesity and sedentary prevention in children population of Camaguey municipality.Keywords: obesity; metabolic syndrome; children; adolescent; insulin resistance.

and exclusion criterions for this investigation. To the children the following variables were determined: circumference of the waistline and the coxa, the systolic and diastolic arterial tension, as well as blood levels of glucose, triglycerides, insulin ... see more

The monitoring and recording of the individual characteristics of children are very important for the development of quality education. Also the views of the teachers about the differences in the development, the potentials and the affinities of the child... see more

In the article the concept of semiotic mediation, appropriation, internalization,Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and scaffolding in particular werereviewed to provide understanding of the process. Under the concept ofsemiotic mediation, the issue of ho... see more

The current problem of the low standard of the educational system for pupils from socially excluded communities is that it is not a flexible system and the primary schools do not only provide an educational but also a&nb... see more

This study investigates the effects of age of onset of acquisition (AO) and two other factors, chronological age of participants and language input, on sentence repetition performance. We focus on identifying the turning point for the effect of AO. Our an... see more

Language development is often hampered by the fact that 90 per cent of deaf children are born into hearing families who do not know Sign language (SL) or haven't had any previous contact with the deaf world. Such parents often use only spoken language to ... see more

Language development is often hampered by the fact that 90 per cent of deaf children are born into hearing families who do not know Sign language (SL) or haven't had any previous contact with the deaf world. Such parents often use only spoken language to ... see more

1 of 27.631 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»