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Literature analysis of works that devoted to research of the selection a project management approach and development of effective methods for this problem solution is given. Mathematical model and method for selection of project management approach with f... see more

The present investigation reveals a novel method for the evaluation of warehouse location for leagile supply chain entailing Fuzzy Multi Criteria Analysis (FMCA). An attempt has been made to apply the concept of decision theory for selecting the warehouse... see more

In the rapidly changing global circumstances, managements of industrial organizations are making decisions for their survival in business atmosphere in future. Decision makers in industries are steering their respective organizations towards for appropria... see more

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a well-known method for selecting suppliers. Although Data Envelopment Analysis can compare suppliers in terms of their efficiencies, it cannot capture suppliers’ effectiveness and decision maker’s preference over criter... see more

In this paper is presented a novel integrated fuzzy – rough Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) model based on integration fuzzy and interval rough set theory. Model integrates Fuzzy PIvot Pairwise RElative Criteria Importance Assessment - fuzzy PIPRECI... see more

Valoración del diseño de los contenidos de la asignatura de morfofisiología I en la carrera de Medicina / Assessment of the design of contents of the I - Morphology - Phisiology Subject in medical studentsValoración del diseño de los contenidos de la asignatura de morfofisiología I en la carrera de Medicina / Assessment of the design of contents of the I - Morphology - Phisiology Subject in medical studentsRESUMEN Realizar una valoración crítica de los contenidos de la asignatura de Morfofisiología Humana I como parte de la evaluación del diseño curricular de dicha asignatura. La municipalización de la enseñanza de las Ciencias Médicas exige de un rediseño de los programas docentes del Plan de Estudio de Medicina en correspondencia a las exigencias básicas a las que deben atender los currículos de una educación superior en los inicios del siglo XXI, siendo una de estas exigencias, la integración del conocimiento, y actualmente la asignatura de Morfofisiología, el ejemplo de mayor importancia en el área básica, para cuya implementación exitosa se hace necesario contar con un programa integrado, y un elevado grado de esencialidad de los contenidos. Los contenidos seleccionados para su diseño se relacionan con los problemas de salud que aparecen en el Plan de Estudio de Medicina y permiten desarrollar habilidades relacionadas con la Atención Primaria, sin embargo, no se ha hecho una verdadera selección de las esencialidades de los contenidos de las asignaturas biomédicas individuales que la componen. La estructuración de los contenidos debe responder al reclamo moderno de formas globalizadas del contenido, más adecuadas a estructuras flexibles, a las que se les atribuye una mayor contribución al logro en los estudiantes, de representaciones cognitivas más integradas. Sin embargo, la integración de los contenidos no se logra de manera eficiente. En el diseño actual de los contenidos de la asignatura Morfofisiología I no se hace una selección adecuada de las esencialidades ni se logra el nivel de integración del conocimiento al que se aspira. Palabras Clave: conocimiento, medicina, morfología/fisiología.ABSTRACT To make a critical assessment of the contents of the 1 Human Morphology _Phisiology as part of the evaluation of the curricular design of this subject. The municipal teaching of medical sciences demands a re-design of the teaching programs of the Medicine Study Plan according to the basic demands that the current curricula should have as the knowledge a s a whole, as well as the morphology-phisiology subject, being the latest the most important example in the basic area. For a succesfull implementation it is necessary a whole program and a high grade of objectivity in contents. Those contents selected for its design are related to the health problems which appear in the Medicine Study Plan which allow the development of those skills related to the primary health care, however, a real selection of the objectivity of contents of the biomedical subject has not been done yet separately. The structure of these contents should attend the current demands. i e, more flexible structures for the students, more integrated cognitive representations, however, it is not observed a whole integrity. In the current design of contents of I Morphology Phisiology subject it is not observed a proper selection of the objectives as well as a level of integrity of knowledge which is expected. Key words: knowlege, medicine, morphology/physiology.

asignatura Morfofisiología I no se hace una selección adecuada de las esencialidades ni se logra el nivel de integración del conocimiento al que se aspira. Palabras Clave: conocimiento, medicina, morfología/fisiología.ABSTRACT To make a critical asse... see more

The Lexicographic Example in Paremiography. Forms and Func­tions. This paper discusses the lexicographic example within the scope of paremiography (prov­erb lexicography).The focus is on criteria for the identification, determination and selection of thos... see more

The article discusses the principles underlying the inclusion of illustrative examples in a decoding English–Slovene dictionary. The inclusion of examples in decoding bilingual dictionaries can be justified by taking into account the semantic and grammati... see more

In linguistics, more specifically in the field of lexical semantics, a lot of attention has been given to polysemy and homonymy. The identification of and distinction between polysemy and homonymy should not be regarded as unproblematic. The lexicographic... see more

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