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Background High incidence of late-onset sepsis (LOS) in preterm infants contributes to neonatal morbidity. Therapeutic outcomes of LOS have deteriorated as a result of increased antibiotic resistance problems, mainly from ESBL isolates. Controlling risk f... see more

Objective. Clopidogrel is a common antiplatelet used as secondary prevention of ischemic stroke, known to have better efficacy than aspirin, with a equivalent safety profile. However, clopidogrel resistance is not uncommon but has not been widely studied ... see more

Objectives: To determine frequency of esophageal malignancy in Balochistan and to evaluate its correlation with predisposing and dietary factors.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from Jan 2019 to Dec 2020, at two tertiary care hospital of ... see more

Background Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder in children and adults. The IBS is diagnosed by symptoms that fulfill the Rome IV criteria. This condition can impact quality of life, especially in adolescents.Objectives To ... see more

La actividad física y el riesgo cardiovascular en la comunidad “Orlando Nodarse” del municipio Mariel / Physical activity and cardiovascular risk in the community “Orlando Nodarse” of Mariel municipality La actividad física y el riesgo cardiovascular en la comunidad “Orlando Nodarse” del municipio Mariel / Physical activity and cardiovascular risk in the community “Orlando Nodarse” of Mariel municipalityObjetivo: describir los factores de riesgo cardiovascular y el grado de asociación entre la inactividad física y el riesgo cardiovascular global estimado.Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio explicativo de observacional de casos y controles, entre enero ynoviembre del 2017, en la comunidad “Orlando Nodarse”. Se trabajó una población de 488 individuos con edades entre 50 y 69 años, se obtuvo una muestra de 224 pacientes. Fue aplicado como método teórico el análisis documental y como métodos empíricos sendos cuestionarios para obtener datos relativos a la existencia de factores de riesgo y elnivel de actividad física, mediciones antropométricas, de presión arterial y determinaciones de glicemia y colesterol total. La estimación del riesgo cardiovascular se realizó utilizando las tablas de riesgo de la OMS/ISH. La variable de independencia fue el nivel de inactividad física, como variable de respuesta el riesgo cardiovascular global. Fue utilizado para determinar la asociación de variables el coeficiente de contingencia, con un nivel de significación estadística de 0,05.Resultados: se demostró alta prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular y la asociación entre el bajo nivel de actividad física y el riesgo cardiovascular global.Conclusiones: existe asociación entre el bajo nivel de actividad física y el riesgo cardiovascular elevado; fueron elconsumo de tabaco y la hipertensión arterial los factores de riesgo cardiovascular más frecuentes.ABSTRACTObjective: to describe the cardiovascular risk factors and the degree of association between physical inactivity and the estimated global cardiovascular risk. Materials and Methods: an observational observational study of cases and controls was conducted between January and November 2017, in the “Orlando Nodarse” community. A population of 488 individuals aged between 50 and 69 years was studied, a sample of 224 patients was obtained. The documentary analysis was applied as a theoretical method and as empirical methods two questionnaires to obtain data related to the existence of risk factors and the level of physical activity, anthropometric measurements, blood pressure and determinations of glycemia and total cholesterol. The estimation of cardiovascular risk was performed using the WHO / ISH risk tables. The independence variable was the level of physical inactivity, as a response variable the global cardiovascular risk. Force used to determine the association of variables the coefficient of contingency, with a level of statistical significance of 0.05.Results: high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and the association between low level of physical activity and global cardiovascular risk were demonstrated.Conclusions: there is an association between low level of physical activity and high cardiovascular risk; tobacco consumption and high blood pressure were the most frequent cardiovascular risk factors.Keywords: cadiovascular risk; cardiovascular disease; cardiovascular prevention; physical activity.

Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio explicativo de observacional de casos y controles, entre enero ynoviembre del 2017, en la comunidad “Orlando Nodarse”. Se trabajó una población de 488 individuos con edades entre 50 y 69 años, se obtuvo una mues... see more

Objectives: To determine the Prevalence and associated risk factors among patients with overactive bladder syndrome in Pakistan.Methods: This was a community-based, face to face, cross sectional survey to calculate the prevalence and its associated risk f... see more

BACKGROUND: The prevalence of hypertension (HTN) varies across countries due to differences in its related risk factors. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of HTN and related risk factors among adults.METHODS: This study was conducted on the d... see more

Introduction: Epidemiological data indicate growth of cancer appearance in young people and young adults population. According to Central Statistical Office of Poland, among teenagers between 15 and 19 years old, the number of malignant tumors reached 396... see more

1 of 3.876 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»