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In international air transportation, it is sure to talk about the responsibility of the carrier, which cannot be separate from the discussion of international agreements, namely, in this case, the 1999 Montreal Convention, which contains the issue of the ... see more

The scientific article «organizational and legitimating rights and responsibilities of the Ukrainian people» is devoted to the study of general understanding of the categories «organization», «legitimation», as well as consideration of such types of organ... see more

The study aimed to identify the extent of teachers’ knowledge of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) for the tasks and responsibilities required of them. The population sample of the study consisted of 115 male and female teachers who taught at specialized ASD... see more

Competencias, ética y valores en la formación del especialista de Pediatría Competencias, ética y valores en la formación del especialista de PediatríaIntroducción: en el proceso de formación de recursos humanos las competencias profesionales no deben responder exclusivamente a las exigencias del mercado limitándose a los componentes científico-técnicos, sino que deben tener en cuenta también el compromiso ético y los valores personales del profesional. En Cuba, el escenario de formación de los especialistas de Pediatría se desarrolla en los servicios asistenciales siguiendo el principio rector de la educación médica cubana -la educación en el trabajo- la cual contempla dentro de su función educativa la formación de valores y la conducta ética. Objetivo: argumentar la necesaria correspondencia entre la formación por competencias, el comportamiento ético y la adquisición de valores en el proceso formativo del especialista en Pediatría en Cuba. Material y Métodos: este trabajo, de carácter teórico, se desarrolló a partir de la experiencia de los autores  en su práctica profesional y docente, y la revisión de diversos trabajos relacionados con aspectos éticos y valores asociados a las competencias profesionales. Resultados: la formación basada en competencias tiene una dimensión filosófica que establece como eje central el desarrollo integral del ser humano. El proceso formativo por competencias demanda una ética pedagógica expresada en la ejemplaridad del profesor. Conclusiones: existe un estrecho vínculo entre la práctica médica, la docencia y las competencias profesionales del pediatra, al estar presentes en ellas el compromiso ético y los valores. Dentro de las estrategias pedagógicas y didácticas para el desarrollo de competencias está la comprensión y asimilación de las responsabilidades éticas, profesionales y sociales. Palabras clave: ética, conducta ética, compromiso ético, formación de valores, formación por competencias.ABSTRACTIntroduction: in the human resources formation process, professional competencies should not respond exclusively to market exigencies and be limited to the techno-scientific aspects, but they should take in account also the ethical compromises and personal values of the professional. In Cuba the process of formation of Pediatrics specialists is developed in the medical services scenarios, according with the meaningful principle of Cuban medical education –education at the working place– which considers among its educative functions those of value formation and ethical behavior. Objective: to sustain the necessary interrelationship among the formation through competencies, ethical behavior and values acquisition in the process of Pediatrics specialist formation. Material and Methods: the present article, as a theoretical one, was developed from the personal experience of the authors in their professional and teaching practice, and from a review of several papers dealing with ethical aspects and personal values linked with professional competencies. Results: competencies based formation includes a philosophical dimension which establishes as its central core the integral development of human being. The formative process from competencies demands a pedagogical ethics expressed in professor’s exemplarity. Conclusions: there is a tight bond between medical practice, medical teaching and professional competencies of the pediatrician due to the presence of ethical commitment and personal value, among teaching and pedagogical strategies for competencies development, understanding and assimilation of ethical, professional and social responsibilities.Keywords: ethics, ethical behavior, ethical commitment, personal values formation, competency based on education.

Objetivo: argumentar la necesaria correspondencia entre la formación por competencias, el comportamiento ético y la adquisición de valores en el proceso formativo del especialista en Pediatría en Cuba. Material y Métodos: este trabajo, de carácter teóric... see more

The post-covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has had a major social impact on society in the form of unemployment and divorce. The problem is whether the government can be held accountable for its policies in the context of overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic whi... see more

This editorial to the Special Section on COVID-19 emphasises the importance of researching pandemic realities and the value that the findings can bring to the way we shape decisions in the future, for the ‘new normal’. The pandemic, with its rapidly chang... see more

Abstract: Parking area is a type of strategic business needed by the community. however, one obstacle that often arises is security disturbances such as loss of consumer goods in vehicles. It is not uncommon for parking land owners to be reluctant to take... see more

This study aims to description about learning difficulties in writing of students  class II at Sekolah Dasar Negeri 02 Lanjak. This is a qualitative within case study research. The tools used are observation  sheets, interviews, and documentatio... see more

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