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1 of 26.543 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
Objective. To determine the possibility and expediency of application of ferromagnetic instruments for diagnosis and pulling out of the abdominal cavity foreign bodies in the battle gun–shot trauma, including application of miniinvasive technologies.Mater... see more

Objective. To analyze the mistakes while application of modern surgical magnet instruments for diagnosis and removal of ferromagnetic foreign bodies.Materials and methods. In accordance to the exploitation-clinical criteria, the material, delivered by usa... see more

Tumor adenomatoide de epidídimo. Presentación de caso Tumor adenomatoide de epidídimo. Presentación de casoIntroducción: El tumor adenomatoide es el más común de los tumores sólidos del epidídimo. Es de naturaleza benigna y aún no se conoce con certeza su origen. Objetivos: Presentar un nuevo caso de tumor adenomatoide del epidídimo, y la secuencia diagnóstica y terapéutica empleada. Presentación del caso: Paciente de 39años de edadcon antecedentes de salud, que asistió a la consulta externa de Urología de la Clínica Multiperfil de Luanda, por aumento de volumen indoloro del hemiescroto derecho de 4 años de evolución. No refirió traumatismos ni procesos inflamatorios genitales previos. Al examen físico se confirmó la presencia de un tumor esférico, en la cabeza del epidídimo derecho, de unos 4 cm de diámetro de consistencia firme. El testículo homolateral, así como el epidídimo y el testículo contralaterales, eran normales. La ecografía reveló una masa heterogénea, bien delimitada y poco vascularizada. La resonancia magnética nuclear denotó una lesión hipointensa en imágenes ponderadas en T 1, e hiperintensa en imágenes ponderadas en T 2, tras la administración del contraste.  La biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina fue negativa de células neoplásicas. Se realizó la exéresis total de la lesión, vía transescrotal, sin complicaciones. El informe histopatológico de la pieza quirúrgica corroboró tumor adenomatoide. El paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente. Conclusiones: El tumor adenomatoide de epidídimo es infrecuente. La ecografía y la resonancia magnética nuclear son útiles para el estudio imagenológico. La biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina permite obtener el diagnóstico histológico preoperatorio. El tratamiento de elección es la resección total.Palabras clave: epidídimo, tumor benigno de epidídimo, tumor adenomatoide de epidídimo, biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina.ABSTRACTIntroduction: the adenomatous tumor is the most common of the solid tumors of the epididymis. It is of benign nature and is not well known its origin yet. Objective: to show a new case of adenomatous tumor of the epididymis, the diagnostic sequence, used therapeutic procedure and the differential diagnostic. Case presentation: patient of 39 years old with antecedents of health that assisted to the outpatient clinic of Urology in the Multi proposal Clinic of Luanda, because increased painless and volume of the right hemi scrotal sac of 4 years of evolution. It did not refer traumatisms or previous inflammatory genital processes. To the physical examination confirmed the presence of a spherical tumor in the head of the right epididymis, around 4 cm of diameter with firm consistency. The homolateral testicle, as well as the contralateral epididymis and the testicle, were normal. The echography revealed a heterogeneous mass, well delimited and little vascularized. The nuclear magnetic resonance denoted an tumor low intense in weighted images in T1, and high intense in weighted images in T2 after the administration of the contrast. The fine needle aspirate biopsy was negative of neoplastic cells. The total excision of the tumor was performed, road Trans scrotal, without complications. Histopathological report of the surgical piece corroborated adenomatous tumor, the patient going on satisfactorily. Conclusions: the adenomatous tumor of epididymis is infrequent. The echography and the Magnetic Resonance Image are useful for the image study. The fine needle aspirate biopsy allows to obtain the pre-surgical histological diagnostic. The treatment of election is the total excision.Key words: epididymis, benign tumor of the epididymis, adenomatoide tumor of epididymis, fine needle aspiration biopsy.

Objetivos: Presentar un nuevo caso de tumor adenomatoide del epidídimo, y la secuencia diagnóstica y terapéutica empleada. Presentación del caso: Paciente de 39años de edadcon antecedentes de salud, que asistió a la consulta externa de Urología de la Clí... see more

This article was to improve students' ability to analyze the viscosity material in implementing the Arduino-based MRSM (Mini Reed Switch Magnetic) teaching media. The researchers used a quasi experimental design in the form of non equivalent pre-test post... see more

This article was to improve students' ability to analyze the viscosity material in implementing the Arduino-based MRSM (Mini Reed Switch Magnetic) teaching media. The researchers used a quasi experimental design in the form of non equivalent pre-test post... see more

AbstractBackground: Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has internationally been proven to reduce unnecessary knee arthroscopies and assist with surgical planning. This has the advantage of avoiding unnecessary surgery and the associated anaesth... see more

Objective. Comparison of efficacy of preoperative standard radiation therapy (R?) in conjunction with chemotherapy (CHT) and CHT in combination with local low-frequency magnet field (LLFMF) with further investigation of tumoral proliferative activity in t... see more

This paper describes a method for measuring of the gradient magnetic field in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) tomography, which is one of the modern medical diagnostic methods. A very important prerequisite for high quality imaging is a gradient magnetic... see more

1 of 26.543 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»