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16  Articles
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Here, we provide an analysis of the microsaccades that occurred during continuous visual search and targeting of small faces that we pasted either into cluttered background photos or into a simple gray background.  Subjects continuously used their ey... see more

Microsaccades shift the image on the fovea and counteract visual fading. They also serve as an optimal sampling strategy while viewing complex visual scenes. Microsaccade production relies on the amount of retinal error or acuity demand of a visual task. ... see more

The methods of magicians provide powerful tools for enhancing the ecological validity of laboratory studies of attention. The current research borrows a technique from magic to explore the relationship between microsaccades and covert attention under near... see more

A substantial question in understanding expert behavior is isolating where experts look, and which aspects of their environment they process. While tracking the position of gaze provides some insight into this process, our ability to attend covertly to re... see more

Understanding our visual world requires both looking and seeing. Dissociation of these processes can result in the phenomenon of inattentional blindness or ‘looking without seeing‘. Concomitant errors in applied settings can be serious, and even deadly. C... see more

Microsaccades are involuntary eye movements occurring naturally during fixation. In this study, microsaccades were investigated under monocularly and binocularly stimulated conditions with respect to their directional distribution and rate signature, that... see more

The attempt to steadily fixate at a small visual object is continuously interrupted by a variety of fixational eye movements comprising, among others, a continuum of saccadic intrusions (SI) which ranges in size from microsaccades with amplitudes =0.25° t... see more

Fixational eye movements comprise of fast microsaccades alternating with slow inter-saccadic drifts. These physiologic eye movements play an important role in visual perception.  Amblyopic patients are known to have fixation instability, particularly... see more

The inability of current video-based eye trackers to reliably detect very small eye movements has led to confusion about the prevalence or even the existence of monocular microsaccades (small, rapid eye movements that occur in only one eye at a time). As ... see more

1 of 3 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»