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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a chronic disease affecting the retina and is the most common cause of blindness in the ageing population in the developed world. Correct and timely diagnosis and classification allows physicians to estimate which... see more

The introduction of anti-VEGF agents has allowed unprecedented progress in the management and treatment of ophthalmologic conditions characterized by an increased vascular permeability and intraocular neovascularization. One of these conditions is retinal... see more

The medical services of complex surgeries is a sector with high potential for generatingforeign exchange and it owns a good competitive performance due the access to hightechnology developments. The measurement of efficiency in this sector in the countryi... see more

A América Latina sempre reagiu à imposição de um modelo eurocêntrico, neoliberal, neocolonial e excludente de desenvolvimento. Na década de 1940 esse modelo é reestruturado sob os auspícios da Era Truman e nas décadas seguintes é repactuado e radicalizado... see more

Recent studies about Latin American business are worried about their position on the emerging and global economies. In this article we want to remark the important role of the universities, institutes, schools, and research centers in Latin America that m... see more

The article is devoted to the study of the correspondence of tea consumption practices to Latin American and Hindu-Buddhist cultural values. As a result of the study, the author concluded that the tea subculture in the societies of Latin America and India... see more

As in other regions, the incidence of atopic dermatitis in Latin America has been increasing in recent years. Although there are several clinical guidelines, many of their recommendations cannot be universal since they depend on the characteristics of eac... see more

El desempeño comunicativo para la interculturalidad, necesidad y exigencia en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina/The communicative performance for interculturality, necessity and requirement in Latin American Medicine School El desempeño comunicativo para la interculturalidad, necesidad y exigencia en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina/The communicative performance for interculturality, necessity and requirement in Latin American Medicine SchoolObjetivo: reflexionar acerca del desempeño comunicativo de los docentes para la interculturalidad, una necesidad y exigencia en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina.Método: se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico como el análisis documental, el histórico-lógico, la sistematización, lo que posibilitó analizar y procesar la información encontrada en la literatura científica sobre el tema abordado, conocer los antecedentes del objeto de estudio y sus elementos esenciales, determinar las dimensiones de la variable desempeño comunicativo de los docentes para la interculturalidad e interpretar los conocimientos relacionados con los núcleos teóricos abordados.Resultados: la preparación en comunicación intercultural es una necesidad y una exigencia en los docentes de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (ELAM), para cumplir con las exigencias y el encargo social a las instituciones educativas, la Misión de la ELAM, y mandato del líder de la Revolución cubana Fidel Castro Ruz desde la inauguración de la institución.Conclusiones: el desempeño comunicativo de los docentes para la interculturalidad favorece el impulso sistemático y gradual de espacios de interacción positiva, que propicie generalizar relaciones de confianza, intercambio, cooperación y convivencia pacífica, donde las personas se sientan respetadas, aceptadas y apoyadas, ocurran interaccionesfehacientes y justa entre los miembros del grupo, que supere cualquier manifestación de discriminación, y contribuya a que los estudiantes aprendan a ser sensibles, solidarios, comunicativos, flexivos, democráticos, empáticos y tolerantes.ABSTRACTObjective: to reflex about communicative performance for the academicians for the interculturality, necessity and requirement in Latin American Medicine School.Methods: methods of the theoretical level as documental analysis were used, from the historical logical, systematization which allowed to analize and process the information found in the scientific literature about the topic approached, to know the antecedents of the study objective and its essentials elements, to determine the dimension of the variable communicative performance of the academicians for the interculturality and understanding the knowledges rela ted to the approached theorical centers.Results: the preparation on intercultural communication is a necessity and an exigency in the academicians of Latin American Medicine School (ELAM),to carry out with the requirement and social commission of educative institutions, ELAM mission and order of the Cuban Revolution leader, Fidel Castro Ruz from the inauguration of the institution.Conclusion: the communicative performance of the academicians for the interculturality, patronize the systematical swing and gradual spaces of positive interaction that allow to generalize relation of trust, interchange, cooperation and pacific coexisting where people feel respected, accepted and supported, truthful and tourney interactions among the members of the group that overcomes any manifestation of discrimination and contribute to students learning to be sensitive, solidarious, communicative, flexible, democratic, connected and tolerant.

Método: se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico como el análisis documental, el histórico-lógico, la sistematización, lo que posibilitó analizar y procesar la información encontrada en la literatura científica sobre el tema abordado, conocer los anteceden... see more

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