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1 of 467 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
Objectives: To investigate the effect of Kegel pelvic floor muscle training combined with clean intermittent self-catheterization on patients with cervical cancer, and to analyze the risk factors affecting urinary retention.Methods: A total of 166 patient... see more

Hematocolpos is an obstruction of the menstrual flow due to an anomaly of the genital tract, with imperforate hymen being the most common one. It is an uncommon condition, with a prevalence of 1:1000 – 1:16 000. It is usually an asymptomatic condition unt... see more

OBJECTIVETo evaluate the confidence level of nurses in nursing care in urinary retention before and after low-fidelity simulation training. METHOD This was a quasi-experimental study carried out among nurses stationed in municipal care units in the inter... see more

In 1986, Fowler and colleagues described a condition currently known as Fowler's syndrome in young women with unexplained urinary retention associated with polycystic ovary syndrome. Herein, we present a case of a 13-year-old woman diagnosed with Fow... see more

Background: After vaginal delivery, every woman has 50% risk for pelvic organ prolapse (POP). The lifetime risk for a woman to undergo surgical treatment for POP was 11%, with the incidence of postoperative urinary retention (POUR) after POP surgery of 2%... see more

Objective: To determine the correlation between risk factors and the incidence of postpartum urinary retention (PUR) at RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. Method: Analytical observational study with cross sectional design to... see more

Anomalía vaginal: a propósito de un caso interesante / Vaginal abnormality: an interesting case reportAnomalía vaginal: a propósito de un caso interesante / Vaginal abnormality: an interesting case reportLas malformaciones uterovaginales (MUV), se deben a una alteración en el proceso de  embriogénesis del sistema reproductor femenino. La ecografía tiene un rol importante en el estudio inicial de las mismas, la RMN tiene ventajas importantes, es un estudio no invasivo, con una sensibilidad de casi 100%. La histerosalpingografía es la técnica clásica para el estudio de las MUV que proporciona información sobre el canal cervical, endometrial  y la permeabilidad tubárica. Se demuestra la utilidad de la ecografía transabdominal en el manejo imagenológico de una MUV  y sus complicaciones principales al presentar el caso de una paciente de 12 años de edad que acudió a consulta con fiebre elevada,  dolor hipogástrico y oliguria/disuria sin  menarquia. Al examen físico se palpó  tumoración suprapúbica, abombamiento perineal e himen no tunelizado, se constató edema facial e hipertensión arterial. La ecografía reveló una moderada dilatación de los sistemas excretores de ambos riñones, la cavidad vesical notablemente distendida, visualizándose masa hipoecoica retrovesical en fosa ilíaca derecha,  sin septos ni contenido,  relacionada con hematometra secundaria a himen imperforado, causando hidronefrosis obstructiva bilateral que condujo a  retención urinaria y de fallo renal agudo. Se realizó corrección quirúrgica de la MUV obteniéndo una evolución clínico imagenológica satisfactoria.Palabras clave: ANOMALÍAS GENITOURINARIAS, HEMATOCOLPOS, ULTRASONOGRAFÍA, HEMATÓMETRA.ABSTRACTUterovaginal malformations (UVM) are due to an alteration in the process of embryogenesis of the female reproductive system. The imaging has a very important role during initial studies of these abnormalities; magnetic resonance imaging has significant advantages in non-invasive studies with a sensitivity of almost 100%. Hysterosalpingography is the classic technique to the study of UVM that provides information about cervical, endometrial canals and tubal permeability. The usefulness of the transabdominal imaging in the management of a UVM and main complications was showed when presenting a case of a 12 years old patient attending to the office with high fever, hypogastric pain and oliguria/dysuria without menarche. At physical examination a suprapubic tumor was palpated, a perineal dome, a non-tunneled hymen, facial edema and hypertension were observed. Imaging revealed a moderate dilatation of the excretory systems in both kidneys, vesical cavity was notable distended, visualizing a retrovesical hypoecoid mass in the right iliac fossa, without septa or contents related to a hematometra due to an imperforate hymen provoking bilateral obstructive hydronephrosis which led to a urinary retention of acute renal failure. Surgical correction of the UVM was carried out having a satisfactory imaging-clinical progression. Key words: UROGENITAL ABNORMALITIES, HEMATOCOLPOS, ULTRASONOGRAPHY, HEMATOMATRA.

ABSTRACTUterovaginal malformations (UVM) are due to an alteration in the process of embryogenesis of the female reproductive system. The imaging has a very important role during initial studies of these abnormalities; magnetic resonance imaging has signif... see more

Objective: To determine the rate of urinary retention cases and contributing risk factors in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Hospital (RSMH), Palembang.Methods: The study conducted on 111 patients who met our study criteria. Af... see more

1 of 467 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»