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Political Sciences




12  Articles
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Der Terrororganisation „Islamischer Staat“ (IS) gelingt es, in großer Zahl westliche Jugendliche zu radikalisieren, die, ob als Einzeltäter oder innerhalb eines Netzwerkes eine potentielle Sicherheitsbedrohung im Inneren westlicher Länder darstellen. Sich... see more

The terrorist group Islamic State succeeds in radicalizing thousands of young people from the West, among them a large number of women. Although the phenomenon of female members in terrorist groups is not entirely new, the massive commitment of females fo... see more

A organização terrorista Estado Islâmico tem sido obstáculo para a segurança política em diversas regiões do mundo. Esta incerteza ocorre tanto pela promoção de atentados, mas também pela capacidade do grupo em recrutar indivíduos para que lutem pelos seu... see more

A organização terrorista Estado Islâmico tem sido obstáculo para a segurança política em diversas regiões do mundo. Esta incerteza ocorre tanto pela promoção de atentados, mas também pela capacidade do grupo em recrutar indivíduos para que lutem pelos seu... see more

Der Terrororganisation „Islamischer Staat“ (IS) gelingt es, in großer Zahl westliche Jugendliche zu radikalisieren, die, ob als Einzeltäter oder innerhalb eines Netzwerkes eine potentielle Sicherheitsbedrohung im Inneren westlicher Länder darstellen. Sich... see more

The terrorist group Islamic State succeeds in radicalizing thousands of young people from the West, among them a large number of women. Although the phenomenon of female members in terrorist groups is not entirely new, the massive commitment of females fo... see more

Der Islamische Staat (IS) gilt im Hinblick auf die Nutzung des Internets gemeinhin als versiertester Akteur unter extremistischen Gruppierungen. Seine Online-Aktivitäten nutzt er dabei zu verschiedenen Zwecken: Sie ermöglichen unter anderem die Radikalisi... see more

During the civil war in Syria and Iraq, numerous predominantly young Europeans joined the terrorist organization of the Islamic State and committed attacks in their homelands in the name of the Islamic State. The study “Westliche Jugendliche im Bann des I... see more

During the civil war in Syria and Iraq, numerous predominantly young Europeans joined the terrorist organization of the Islamic State and committed attacks in their homelands in the name of the Islamic State. The study “Westliche Jugendliche im Bann des I... see more

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