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25  Articles
1 of 3 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
Min artikel har en eksplorativ karakter. Den er et forsøg på at komme til klarhed over fænomenet kætteri. Frem for som i den altdominerende strømning i moderne forskningshistorie at gøre kætteri til en kristen opfindelse argumenterer jeg for at se det i s... see more

Artiklen præsenterer og diskuterer to artikler af den amerikanske religionssociolog Robert Bellah, “Religious evolution” fra 1964 og “What is Axial about the Axial Age?” (2005). I forhold til en generel mangel på interesse for en religionens historie (for... see more

Artiklen præsenterer og diskuterer to artikler af den amerikanske religionssociolog Robert Bellah, “Religious evolution” fra 1964 og “What is Axial about the Axial Age?” (2005). I forhold til en generel mangel på interesse for en religionens historie (for... see more

Min artikel har en eksplorativ karakter. Den er et forsøg på at komme til klarhed over fænomenet kætteri. Frem for som i den altdominerende strømning i moderne forskningshistorie at gøre kætteri til en kristen opfindelse argumenterer jeg for at se det i s... see more

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The collective work The Axial Age and Its Consequences contains contributions by Charles Taylor, Merlin Donald, Shmuel N. Eisenstad, Jan Assmann and others to important discussions before, around and after Robert Bellah's Religion and Hu... see more

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The collective work The Axial Age and Its Consequences contains contributions by Charles Taylor, Merlin Donald, Shmuel N. Eisenstad, Jan Assmann and others to important discussions before, around and after Robert Bellah's Religion and Hu... see more

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The symbolic distinction between purity and pollution was prevalent in Ancient Greece, not least among the Orphics. As a religious reform movement of the Axial Age, they authored a discourse which was polemically directed against the dom... see more

The article discusses Badiou’s reading of Paul. Although it would be easy to criticise it on the basis of its overly anachronistic character, I argue that there may be more to it. I present his reading and situate it in the framework of his wider philosop... see more

1 of 3 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»