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This publication describes the modern principles of diagnosis and treatment of women of reproductive age with tumor-like lesions of the ovaries.Most often clinical and laboratory signs of disease are: abdominal pain, menstrual disorders, low-grade fever, ... see more

Background: Fine needle aspiration is routinely used as a highly effective technique in various lesions. The present study was carried out to evaluate the role of FNAC in diagnosing primary bone tumors and tumor-like lesions so as to overcome the disadvan... see more

Brown tumor is a non-neoplastic lesion that results from abnormal bone metabolism. It can be manifest in prolonged or untreated hyperparathyroidism. The clinical symptoms, radiological and histopathological examination were similar with giant cell tumor a... see more

Odontogenic tumor – like lesions are rarely occurring pathological processes in jawbones. The article presents a case of a 39-year-old-patient that had been treated surgically because of Gorlin tumor of alveolar part of mandible. Clinical examination show... see more

 Odontogenic tumor-like lesions are the one of the most commonly presented in jawbones. In the article described 9-year-old patient case who had been treated surgically due to compound odontoma of the left maxilla in the anterior segment. In the pati... see more

Aspectos clínico e imagenológicos más importantes de los quistes dermoides intrarraquídeos Aspectos clínico e imagenológicos más importantes de los quistes dermoides intrarraquídeosIntroducción: los tumores Dermoides Epidermoides son lesiones que afectan el cráneo y el canal raquídeo, comprimiendo estructuras nerviosas; son infrecuentes y en el Sistema Nervioso corresponden a 1%. Los Quistes dermoides pueden ser congénitos o adquiridos y estar relacionados con malformaciones de la columna vertebral como la espina bífida, la fusión vertebral, los senos dérmicos y la siringomielia. Objetivo: describir los aspectos clínico e imagenológicosmás importantes de los quistes dermoides  intrarraquídeos. Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, analítico lineal de 7 casos diagnosticados en el Hospital Pediátrico "William Soler" en el período de noviembre de 2003 a octubre de 2007. Se utilizaron las variables edad, sexo, localización, síntomas, signos  y exámenes de imagen. Resultados: los signos y síntomas más usuales fueron dolor, claudicación a la marcha y el signo de Lasegue; la localización lumbosacra predominó en 87,7%. A todos los pacientes se le realizaron estudios convencionales de Rayos X, a 5 de ellos se les realizó Resonancia Magnética Nuclear y a 2 de ellos se les realizó la Tomografía axial computarizada. Conclusiones: los exámenes imagenológicos realizados a los pacientes estudiados fueron de gran valor para el diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad.Palabras clave: quiste dermoides, sinovitis de cadera, Resonancia Magnética, Mielo-TAC.ABSTRACTIntroduction: Epidermoid Dermoids tumors are lesions affecting the skull and the rachidial canal compressing nervous structures; are infrequent and corresponding to the 1% of the lesions of Nervous System. Dermoids cysts may be congenital or acquired and been related to vertebral column abnormalities like spina bifida, vertebral fusion, dermic sinus and syringomylia. Objective: to describe the clinical-imageniological aspects of Dermoids cysts.  Material and Methods: an analytic retrospective study of seven cases diagnosed in "William Soler" University Pediatric Hospital during the period from November 2003 to October 2007. Variables used were; age, gender, location, symptoms, signs and image test. Results: the greatest frequency corresponding to male sex and signs and symptoms were pain, walking claudication and Lasegués sign, lumbosacral localization prevail in 87.7% and corresponding tables were designs. Conclusions: we observed the prevalence of the disease in the aged corresponding from 1 to 10 years old, the simple radiological study had a great diagnose value to the patient orientation and diagnose and like specific image study the Magnetic Resonance Image and Myelo- Axial Computer Tomography.Key words: Dermoids Cysts, hip´s synovitis, Magnetic resonance, Myelo- Axial Computer Tomography.

Objetivo: describir los aspectos clínico e imagenológicosmás importantes de los quistes dermoides  intrarraquídeos. Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, analítico lineal de 7 casos diagnosticados en el Hospital Pediátrico "Willia... see more

Spondilitis tuberkulosis dan tumor spinal merupakan dua dari banyak penyakit yang dapat menyebabkan kompresi dan lesi pada medula spinalis. Gejala klinis muncul sesuai dengan lokasi kompresi atau lesi, seperti kelemahan anggota gerak bawah, gangguan miksi... see more

Background: Adnexal tumors (ATs) are the tumors arising from the appendages of the skin such as sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles. These tumors are usually misdiagnosed clinically, and histopathology confirms the diagnosis. Aim and Object... see more

Objective. To present the characteristics of the AKT1E117K gene variant and a description of the clinical application in a patient with metastatic breast cancer.Results. 63 y/o woman with Stage IV Invasive lobular carcinoma at diagnosis was treated with P... see more

1 of 5.310 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»