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In previous work by Baaz and Iemhoff, a Gentzen calculus for intuitionistic logic with existence predicate is presented that satisfies partial cut elimination and Craig's interpolation property; it is also conjectured that interpolation fails for the impl... see more

Hypersequent calculi (HC) can formalize various non-classical logics. In [9] we presented a non-commutative variant of HC for the weakest temporal logic of linear frames Kt4.3 and some its extensions for dense and serial flow of time. The system was prove... see more

Reference [12] introduced a novel formula to formula translation tool (“formula-tors”) that enables syntactic metatheoretical investigations of first-order modallogics, bypassing a need to convert them first into Gentzen style logics in order torely on cu... see more

Orthologic (OL) is non-classical logic and has been studied as a part of quantumlogic. OL is based on an ortholattice and is also called minimal quantum logic. Sequent calculus is used as a tool for proof in logic and has been examinedfor several decades.... see more

In [5] we study Nonassociative Lambek Calculus (NL) augmented with De Morgan negation, satisfying the double negation and contraposition laws. This logic, introduced by de Grooté and Lamarche [10], is called Classical Non-Associative Lambek Calculus (CNL)... see more

We describe in full detail a solution to the problem of proving the cut elimination theorem for FILL, a variant of (multiplicative and exponential-free) Linear Logicintroduced by Hyland and de Paiva. Hyland and de Paiva's work used a term assignmentsystem... see more

Aproximación a la dinámica de la respuesta inmune en la infección por la COVID-19 / Approach to the dynamics of the immune response in the COVID-19 infection Aproximación a la dinámica de la respuesta inmune en la infección por la COVID-19 / Approach to the dynamics of the immune response in the COVID-19 infectionObjetivo: caracterizar las particularidades de la dinámica de larespuesta inmune durante la infección por la COVID-19.Desarrollo: el sistema inmune juega un papel en la patogeniade la COVID-19 en el que el infiltrado de neutrófilos es un eventoimportante durante la enfermedad. La producción de citocinasproinflamatorias por activaciones anómalas de las vías deseñalización y desregulación en los interferones, son mecanismosinvolucrados en la respuesta inmune de esta enfermedad. Estasevidencias justifican el uso de tratamientos inmunosupresorescomo la metilprednisolona en los pacientes con cuadros graves. Larespuesta inmune adaptativa aparece después de las dos semanasde infección, aunque la IgM se detecta desde la primera semana.La respuesta de los linfocitos T es indispensable en la completaeliminación de la infección viral.Conclusiones: el sistema inmune juega un papel importanteen la destrucción del epitelio alveolar y el desarrollo de lossíntomas graves de la COVID-19, de ahí que los tratamientosinmunomoduladores pueden beneficiar a estos pacientes.Palabras clave: COVID-19; coronavirus; respuesta inmune;inmunopatogenia.ABSTRACTObjetivo: to characterize the peculiarities of the dynamics of theimmune response during infection with COVID-19.Development: the immune system plays a role in the pathogenesisof COVID-19, where the neutrophil infiltrate is an important eventduring the disease. The production of proinflammatory cytokinesby abnormal activations of the signaling and dysregulationpathways in interferons are mechanisms involved in the immuneresponse of this disease. These evidences justify the use of immunosuppressive treatments such as methylprednisolone inpatients with severe symptoms. The adaptive immune responseappears after two weeks of infection, although IgM is detectedfrom the first week. The response of T lymphocytes is essential inthe complete elimination of the viral infection.Conclusions: the immune system plays an important role inthe destruction of the alveolar epithelium and the developmentof severe symptoms of COVID-19, hence immunomodulatorytreatments can benefit these patients.Keywords: COVID-19; coronavirus; immune response;immunopathogenesis.

respuesta inmune durante la infección por la COVID-19.Desarrollo: el sistema inmune juega un papel en la patogeniade la COVID-19 en el que el infiltrado de neutrófilos es un eventoimportante durante la enfermedad. La producción de citocinasproinflamatoria... see more

Effects of additing 1 percent (w/o) palladium (Pd) on the thermal behavior of a lathe cut type high copper amalgam (13 w/o copper) were studied. The identical alloys, with and without 1% Pd were fabricated. X-ray diffraction studies of the amalgams reveal... see more

Objective. To study in experiment a cerulloplasmin efficacy, applied for complete elimination and minimization of ischemically-reperfusion damage, causing necrosis of cutaneous flap (CF).??terials and methods. On 32 white male rats of the Sprague Dawley l... see more

1 of 1.293 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»