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This study aimed to identify and analyze the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the management of medical-care equipment at the Hospital of Federal University of Minas Gerais (HC-UFMG) in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. To achieve this goal, a ... see more

This study aimed to identify and analyze the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the management of medical-care equipment at the Hospital of Federal University of Minas Gerais (HC-UFMG) in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. To achieve this goal, a ... see more

Morbimortalidad materna / Maternal morbimortalidad Morbimortalidad materna / Maternal morbimortalidadObjetivo: abordar la morbimortalidad materna teniendo en cuenta las causas y las consecuencias que trae para el recién nacido y para la madre.Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, se utilizaron 34 referencias bibliográficas.Resultados: la mortalidad materna como indicador expresa el riesgo de morir durante el embarazo o dentro de los 42 días siguientes, por complicaciones obstétricas de la gestación, antes del embarazo o durante la gestación que no es producto de causas obstétricas directas, pero sí agravadas por los efectos del embarazo, la actualización,la capacitación del personal vinculado a la atención materna, la auditoría médica de los servicios obstétricos y el  análisis de la morbilidad materna extremadamente grave, permiten analizar los casos obstétricos complicados paraencontrar los factores relacionados y buscar soluciones que minimicen el riesgo para brindar una mejor atención a estas pacientes.Conclusiones: la actualización y la capacitación continua del personal vinculado a la atención materna, la auditoría médica de los servicios obstétricos y el análisis de la morbilidad materna extremadamente grave en cada institución,permiten analizar los casos obstétricos complicados para encontrar los factores relacionados y buscar soluciones que minimicen el riesgo y conduzcan a brindar una mejor atención a estas pacientes.ABSTRACTObjective: to address maternal morbidity and mortality taking into account the causes and consequences it brings to the newborn and to the mother.Methods: a bibliographic review was carried out; 34 bibliographic references were used.Results: maternal mortality as an indicator expresses the risk of dying during pregnancy or within 42 days,due to obstetric complications of pregnancy, before pregnancy or during pregnancy that is not the productof direct obstetric causes, but is aggravated by the effects of pregnancy, updating, the training of personnel linked to maternal care, the medical audit of obstetric services and the analysis of extremely severe maternal morbidity, allow us to analyze complicated obstetric cases to find the related factors and look for solutions that Minimize the risk to provide better care to these patients.Conclusions: the updating and continuous training of personnel linked to maternal care, the medical auditof obstetric services and the analysis of extremely serious maternal morbidity in each institution, allow us to analyze complicated obstetric cases to find the related factors and find solutions that minimize the risk and lead to provide better care to these patients.Keywords: maternal mortality; risk factor’s; prevention.

Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, se utilizaron 34 referencias bibliográficas.Resultados: la mortalidad materna como indicador expresa el riesgo de morir durante el embarazo o dentro de los 42 días siguientes, por complicaciones obstétricas ... see more

Due to the release of 302 decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, the paradigm of professional medical personnel training in Ukraine has changed. The continuous professional development of doctors, which is based on self-training processes, has been introdu... see more

Background:The 2015-2016 Zika Virus Outbreak caused global concern. A study was done to assess knowledge about viral hemorrhagic fevers amongst healthcare professionals, which found only 57% doctors knew clinical features of hemorrhagic viral fever. The a... see more

This paper illustrates the use of information and communication technologies in the medical environment. Medical decision support aims at providing health care professionals with therapy guidelines directly at the point of care. This should enhance the qu... see more

Ethics has always being present in a more or less explicit way in health care quality; nevertheless, there has not been paid attention enough to the power of quality found in the ethical drive and attitudes of professionals who are leaders in improvement ... see more

1 of 7.154 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»