Work-Based Learning Model Based on Group Investigation in Vocational Education


This study aims to analyze the needs of the Group Investigation-based Work-Based Learning model in vocational education. This type of research is a type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The subjects involved in this study were vocational education students. The data collection process is carried out by making learning observations, then completing it with the results of interviews to describe which views are the same and which views are different then conclusions can be drawn. The validity of the research data was carried out through data triangulation. The research findings indicate that the success of the Group Investigation-based Work-Based Learning model is determined by several interrelated factors, namely: students, supervisors, facilities, and others. The preparation of the Group Investigation-based Work-Based Learning model book is one of the efforts so that there is a standard reference in the implementation of the Group Investigation-based Work-Based Learning model whose approach (including strategy-method-tactics) is defined. . The development of the Work-Based Learning model based on Group Investigation has implications for increasing the competence of vocational education students. The competence of nursing students consists of three parts including ability, knowledge, and attitude.

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