A Tribute to the Pioneering Work of Thomas E. Jensen in the Field of Cyanobacterial Phytoremediation


The impact of the scientific works of Prof. Thomas E. Jensen has often been overlooked. This review paper brings together the focus of his works in a developmental narrative revealing the stages and their practical applications over the course of time. The stages of his research involved the ultrastructural revelations of cyanobacterial organization, the quantification of key components, recognition that sequestering of selected heavy metals and other cations could occur under stress conditions, using that knowledge to formulate applications in waste-water remediation, and developing a model system for both the retention of specific ions and their controlled release. It was found that the release could be predictably controlled by both pH adjustments as well as by regulating the oxygenation of the environmental conditions. Laboratory pilot studies have indicated that the prospects for large-scale applications in municipal and industrial wastewater conditions are possible. This type of phytoremediation has far greater possibilities in commercial circumstances than efforts with higher plants, in as much as the cells can be recycled for continuous ion processing. This review is a partial summary of some of the relevant academic works of Prof. Jensen over a span of nearly 50 years. His research has primarily been directed towards a better understanding of the organization and activities of cyanobacteria, and the special role that they are capable of playing in phytoremediation.

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