Relationship between Emotional-Behavioral Problems and Academic Achievement among Government and Private Schools Children


This study was set out to compare the emotional behavioral problems and academic achievement among Government and Private school students. A sample of (N =239) children from government and private schools, including 120 girls and 119 boys, of ages 13 to 17 years were selected using convenient sampling technique. It was a quantitative research and a cross-sectional research design was used. The emotional-behavioral problems of students were checked by administering Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) by Goodman (1997) and the students percentage of marks in the last examination was taken as their academic achievement. The results revealed a significant links of emotional-behavioral problems and academic achievement among overall government and private school children. Study further identified the significant difference in emotional differences in emotional behavioral problems and academic achievement among government and private school children. The study also explored that the academic performance was good in private school children as compared with government school children whereas, emotional behavioral problems of private school children was higher than government school children.

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